Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Cock Ring Shopping & Training Report
by george
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cock ring,
cock training,
Monday, May 30, 2011
Edging Game #MMDays Report
by mKo
Yes, this is a long one. It's for both of my recent Edging Game #MMDays, as well as a short makeup Edging & Release Day that I gave mykinkyother in between since he had missed his earned release on the first Edging Game day. ;-)
Please find another report from your loving and ever humble servant. :-)
After my embarrassing release at my parents house last week, I was amazed at how horny I’d remained. As I mentioned before, I usually switch off a little, but knowing you were just moments away from issuing my next set of instructions seems to keep my interest very piqued!
The day following my release I was visiting a customer site as part of my job. I had a brief pitch to deliver to a small room of people. Of course my first mistake was tweeting about it!! I was duly ordered to the nearest rest room to edge. It was literally minutes before we were due to start. It was my first edge of the week and I was glad there was no real pre-cum to speak of, but I was still quite hard when I rushed out. I was in full-on panic mode as I knew I’d be standing in front of a white board and my arousal was clearly evident. The more I thought of it, the more I knew you would be enjoying it, the worse it got. [*smiling widely with a very evil grin* ~ M] Thankfully there was a brief sit down and introduction session so I had calmed a tad before we got under way.
The following day had a similar fate awaiting me. This time I was delivery a seminar style presentation to approximately 200 people and I had similar orders: edge first. This particular edge was much more intense than that of yesterday, probably because I knew how I’d felt after delivering a speech to 7 people. How much worse would my arousal and embarrassment be to such a big crowd? And again, the more my cheeks burned, the more I knew you’d enjoy it Mistress. This time my hard cock was NOT going away! There was a general hubbub at the handover by the podium so I managed to sneak in front without attracting too much attention. For my usual patter, I’d wander about the stage area and interact with the audience. This time? Not a chance. Rooted firmly to the spot, my hard cock pressing against the lectern, your words, your commands burning into my mind all the time. Thankfully by the end of the presentation I’d calmed enough to leave without further embarrassment!
You also announced a new #MMDay Edging Game that day, seemingly inspired by your play with me over recent days. [Yes, the points for edging in new places were directly inspired by you and I absolutely *love* being able to play with you in that way, whereas the ones for wearing a cock ring were inspired by jezi-darling & azpanties, both of which had just started wearing new cock rings for me.] I was delighted as reaching the points total would earn me a release I was already more than desperate for. However I knew I had reports to write and a tribute to sort out first. The story behind fixing the tribute is embarrassing enough! Poor customer service at Amazon is all I can say!
The Thursday arrived and #MMDay began in earnest. I was determined to impress you Mistress. I managed to edge whilst driving on a main motorway (albeit a quiet stretch) [please do be careful while driving - "Kids don't try this at home!"], a coffee shop restroom & a motorway service station restroom were all achieved. Indeed I even tried to find an empty meeting room at our northern offices to take a VERY risky edge in, but sadly, they were all full.
I’d made my points total and was allowed a release, but I had a final task, dictated by you, to edge somewhere else new first. My target was the gym after my commute home. Upon reading my plans, you mandated that I was to take my release there after my work out! The shame! However I was very thankful you’d allowed it happen after my workout and not before. The idea of having to complete a workout having just consumed my own cum had me very, very flustered!
However, sometimes real life gets in the way. I was stranded in the tailbacks of [traffic jam caused by] an accident and delayed from getting home until late. I had missed my chance. And I cannot begin to explain just how horny I was!
The following two days were strange for me. I found myself awaiting commands from you Mistress. I was stuck in limbo unsure whether to continue edging for you or not. You were busy with your own RL, but it struck me how dependant I had become on fulfilling your desires.
Finally, on Day 7, you issued a new set of rules for the #MMDay edging game and asked for my comment. I was allowed to have my missed release but I had to earn a certain number of points, using the new rules, first. I particularly liked the change of rules around distance. As I travel a lot, gaining extra points was almost gimme! [The travel does have to be "out of your way", so if you are going to that location anyway, you don't get the extra point. However, if you make a side trip your way there and go at least 1/4 mile off course to find a special place to edge, then it does count.] I knew I had the chance to redeem myself with some more humbling and embarrassing places to edge to make my points total and finally earn the release I was craving so much.
I also learned that I was supposed to be consuming my own pre-cum. I apologised for this lapse in knowledge. It excited me and reviled me at the same time. As you know, I am not fond of consuming my cum and can only do it when under express command to do so. With the amount of edging I’d been doing, I was bound to have a lot today. I moaned softly to myself when I learned of this.
Firstly, I knelt in front of a full-height window on the first floor of my town house overlooking the rear garden. It’s a fairly enclosed and private garden but I *could* have been seen were someone paying attention. That was very intense. And the amount of pre-cum was incredible! Whether it was the 7 days of edging and chastity or just my exposure and potentially looming disgrace in the window I don’t know. But as I lapped it up out of my hand, my feelings of humiliation and excitement grew.
I sneaked another edge in the toilets at home just an hour later earning only one more point. I was beginning to get desperate for points; I couldn’t possibly wait another few days for a release!
I made an excuse to head to the supermarket. Sainsbury’s was well outside the distance rule so I knew my edge there would be enough to earn my release.
As I hit the flimsy and fairly exposed changing rooms, I knelt, unzipped my bulging cock and hit the edge in such a short space of time. Again the pre-cum I released was alarming! As I licked it from my hand again, I almost came there and then without touching myself. All the time, you were in my thoughts, becoming ever more aroused and enjoying my mortification.
I grabbed hold of myself -- the release had started already with only my desires and thoughts as stimulation. I gasped the words that were necessary “Thank you, Mistress Magick” as my orgasm coursed through me. I had never had such an intense release. I was physically trembling. Again my revulsion at consuming my cum was strong, but not as strong as my desire to please you. Mistress.
Thankfully it was early. The only attendant was wandering around, but there was almost no way she wouldn’t have heard me say something whilst in there! Oh, the shame. I handed back the shirt I’d falsely picked up to “try on” and left pronto!
By the next morning I was already yearning for my instructions, the next task, the next objective to set your pulse racing Mistress. And the forthcoming command was a tough one for me. I was not to touch myself at all until further notice! Cripes! I held out however as I knew I must.
Whilst I was working from home, I’d had the misfortune to stumble across some chastity/T&D forums. [Yes, of course, you just "stumbled" across them... suuuure, you did!] I was under orders not to touch myself and the things I read were incredible. Some of which I had to share with you Mistress, particularly the mirrors game. I was worried that it may crop up in my future and not without good reason it seems!
To make matters worse on day 3 of my chastity I unwittingly began a conversation around "plugging" [wearing a butt plug] that led to an email conversation with you about this and about cock rings. All of this new to me. As a result, my four-hour train journey was sheer torture!
On Thursday, we had new instructions. Another #MMDay Edging Game, but no release allowed. I was now on Day 4 of chastity and this was a numbing prospect. I always try so hard to impress and the idea of not having a release at the end was a difficult one to swallow (ahem!). We had 24 hours, and I was absolutely committed to racking up a huge amount of points.
I must say at this point a humble sorry to all of your boys and gurls for this #MMDay Game. I feel I may have created this new and wonderful torture for us all!
I was on the road again so started with a strongly intense edge at a motorway service station restroom. With a red face I left the cubicle having denied myself the orgasm I so desperately craved and eaten my own pre-cum.
I arrived at my customer site and again found myself thinking of impressing you and not them! I headed to their restrooms and edged again minutes before the meeting. I was bulging out of my suit when I left the restroom! To be graphic I’d never felt my cock so hard for so long. It was almost deliciously painful.
I stopped again at a different service station on the way home. Again utilising a restroom to tease, deny and consume my pre-cum for you Mistress. I was almost in subbie heaven; so horny, so eager to please, so pre-possessed with a knowledge I was not allowed to cum.
I returned to my car, thoughts of going further and further to enhance your pleasure Mistress. The car park itself posed a new thought. Could I park up in a quiet corner and edge for you in broad daylight in public view? As I mused this on Twitter you made it clear it wasn’t be an option. This edge had the same intensity as the one I completed in front of the window last week. People absolutely could see me if they looked in my direction. What would they think? It didn’t matter to me at that point. I just wanted to please you and if my shame gave you that, then so be it. As I reached my edge so, so quickly I was happy to zip up and drive away as swiftly as I could.
After a three hour journey home my first action was to get naked, kneel and edge for you again. I did this in front of full length mirror. I could see myself, imagine you stood there with my, smiling and laughing at my frustration and arousal, my desperation.
It was then I realised my feelings were developing all the time. Being naked and kneeling like that gave me such a strong sense of subservience. It was a new feeling for me. It was delicious. In RL, I’m strongly in control of things, always behind the barrier of my suit in command of my senses with my knowledge as cavalry. Here, defenceless, barrier-less and serving you was new. It genuinely made me shiver. So uncomfortable. So awkward. So delectable.
I was permitted one more edge as reward for my point’s haul of 23. It wouldn’t count toward my points haul. I was determined to make it a special one for you Mistress. So I borrowed briefly from the mirror game.
I knelt on all fours, a mirror placed underneath me. I reached the edge so very quickly. But there was no pre-cum. So I took a few moments as a pause. And started again. Determined to dribble that pre-cum onto on the mirror. It took a few attempts to create enough. Each edge came with that much quicker, that much more ferociously. I realised I was actually moaning with desire and frustration. That moan turned into a whimper as I licked my pre-cum from the mirror, seeing my own reflection as I did it. I clothed myself and tried to carry on with my daily chores and work.
I could not clear my thoughts of you however.
And now we’re back on real time. I have new instructions based upon the Mirror Game for this afternoon. A game that could last up to 25 minutes and push me way beyond anything I’ve done before. And no, I’m NOT allowed to cum yet. And thereafter I have a lads evening planned around football. And I have a feeling that you will be first and foremost in my thoughts all day.
Devoted only to you,
Please find another report from your loving and ever humble servant. :-)
After my embarrassing release at my parents house last week, I was amazed at how horny I’d remained. As I mentioned before, I usually switch off a little, but knowing you were just moments away from issuing my next set of instructions seems to keep my interest very piqued!
The day following my release I was visiting a customer site as part of my job. I had a brief pitch to deliver to a small room of people. Of course my first mistake was tweeting about it!! I was duly ordered to the nearest rest room to edge. It was literally minutes before we were due to start. It was my first edge of the week and I was glad there was no real pre-cum to speak of, but I was still quite hard when I rushed out. I was in full-on panic mode as I knew I’d be standing in front of a white board and my arousal was clearly evident. The more I thought of it, the more I knew you would be enjoying it, the worse it got. [*smiling widely with a very evil grin* ~ M] Thankfully there was a brief sit down and introduction session so I had calmed a tad before we got under way.
The following day had a similar fate awaiting me. This time I was delivery a seminar style presentation to approximately 200 people and I had similar orders: edge first. This particular edge was much more intense than that of yesterday, probably because I knew how I’d felt after delivering a speech to 7 people. How much worse would my arousal and embarrassment be to such a big crowd? And again, the more my cheeks burned, the more I knew you’d enjoy it Mistress. This time my hard cock was NOT going away! There was a general hubbub at the handover by the podium so I managed to sneak in front without attracting too much attention. For my usual patter, I’d wander about the stage area and interact with the audience. This time? Not a chance. Rooted firmly to the spot, my hard cock pressing against the lectern, your words, your commands burning into my mind all the time. Thankfully by the end of the presentation I’d calmed enough to leave without further embarrassment!
You also announced a new #MMDay Edging Game that day, seemingly inspired by your play with me over recent days. [Yes, the points for edging in new places were directly inspired by you and I absolutely *love* being able to play with you in that way, whereas the ones for wearing a cock ring were inspired by jezi-darling & azpanties, both of which had just started wearing new cock rings for me.] I was delighted as reaching the points total would earn me a release I was already more than desperate for. However I knew I had reports to write and a tribute to sort out first. The story behind fixing the tribute is embarrassing enough! Poor customer service at Amazon is all I can say!
The Thursday arrived and #MMDay began in earnest. I was determined to impress you Mistress. I managed to edge whilst driving on a main motorway (albeit a quiet stretch) [please do be careful while driving - "Kids don't try this at home!"], a coffee shop restroom & a motorway service station restroom were all achieved. Indeed I even tried to find an empty meeting room at our northern offices to take a VERY risky edge in, but sadly, they were all full.
I’d made my points total and was allowed a release, but I had a final task, dictated by you, to edge somewhere else new first. My target was the gym after my commute home. Upon reading my plans, you mandated that I was to take my release there after my work out! The shame! However I was very thankful you’d allowed it happen after my workout and not before. The idea of having to complete a workout having just consumed my own cum had me very, very flustered!
However, sometimes real life gets in the way. I was stranded in the tailbacks of [traffic jam caused by] an accident and delayed from getting home until late. I had missed my chance. And I cannot begin to explain just how horny I was!
The following two days were strange for me. I found myself awaiting commands from you Mistress. I was stuck in limbo unsure whether to continue edging for you or not. You were busy with your own RL, but it struck me how dependant I had become on fulfilling your desires.
Finally, on Day 7, you issued a new set of rules for the #MMDay edging game and asked for my comment. I was allowed to have my missed release but I had to earn a certain number of points, using the new rules, first. I particularly liked the change of rules around distance. As I travel a lot, gaining extra points was almost gimme! [The travel does have to be "out of your way", so if you are going to that location anyway, you don't get the extra point. However, if you make a side trip your way there and go at least 1/4 mile off course to find a special place to edge, then it does count.] I knew I had the chance to redeem myself with some more humbling and embarrassing places to edge to make my points total and finally earn the release I was craving so much.
I also learned that I was supposed to be consuming my own pre-cum. I apologised for this lapse in knowledge. It excited me and reviled me at the same time. As you know, I am not fond of consuming my cum and can only do it when under express command to do so. With the amount of edging I’d been doing, I was bound to have a lot today. I moaned softly to myself when I learned of this.
Firstly, I knelt in front of a full-height window on the first floor of my town house overlooking the rear garden. It’s a fairly enclosed and private garden but I *could* have been seen were someone paying attention. That was very intense. And the amount of pre-cum was incredible! Whether it was the 7 days of edging and chastity or just my exposure and potentially looming disgrace in the window I don’t know. But as I lapped it up out of my hand, my feelings of humiliation and excitement grew.
I sneaked another edge in the toilets at home just an hour later earning only one more point. I was beginning to get desperate for points; I couldn’t possibly wait another few days for a release!
I made an excuse to head to the supermarket. Sainsbury’s was well outside the distance rule so I knew my edge there would be enough to earn my release.
As I hit the flimsy and fairly exposed changing rooms, I knelt, unzipped my bulging cock and hit the edge in such a short space of time. Again the pre-cum I released was alarming! As I licked it from my hand again, I almost came there and then without touching myself. All the time, you were in my thoughts, becoming ever more aroused and enjoying my mortification.
I grabbed hold of myself -- the release had started already with only my desires and thoughts as stimulation. I gasped the words that were necessary “Thank you, Mistress Magick” as my orgasm coursed through me. I had never had such an intense release. I was physically trembling. Again my revulsion at consuming my cum was strong, but not as strong as my desire to please you. Mistress.
Thankfully it was early. The only attendant was wandering around, but there was almost no way she wouldn’t have heard me say something whilst in there! Oh, the shame. I handed back the shirt I’d falsely picked up to “try on” and left pronto!
By the next morning I was already yearning for my instructions, the next task, the next objective to set your pulse racing Mistress. And the forthcoming command was a tough one for me. I was not to touch myself at all until further notice! Cripes! I held out however as I knew I must.
Whilst I was working from home, I’d had the misfortune to stumble across some chastity/T&D forums. [Yes, of course, you just "stumbled" across them... suuuure, you did!] I was under orders not to touch myself and the things I read were incredible. Some of which I had to share with you Mistress, particularly the mirrors game. I was worried that it may crop up in my future and not without good reason it seems!
To make matters worse on day 3 of my chastity I unwittingly began a conversation around "plugging" [wearing a butt plug] that led to an email conversation with you about this and about cock rings. All of this new to me. As a result, my four-hour train journey was sheer torture!
On Thursday, we had new instructions. Another #MMDay Edging Game, but no release allowed. I was now on Day 4 of chastity and this was a numbing prospect. I always try so hard to impress and the idea of not having a release at the end was a difficult one to swallow (ahem!). We had 24 hours, and I was absolutely committed to racking up a huge amount of points.
I must say at this point a humble sorry to all of your boys and gurls for this #MMDay Game. I feel I may have created this new and wonderful torture for us all!
I was on the road again so started with a strongly intense edge at a motorway service station restroom. With a red face I left the cubicle having denied myself the orgasm I so desperately craved and eaten my own pre-cum.
I arrived at my customer site and again found myself thinking of impressing you and not them! I headed to their restrooms and edged again minutes before the meeting. I was bulging out of my suit when I left the restroom! To be graphic I’d never felt my cock so hard for so long. It was almost deliciously painful.
I stopped again at a different service station on the way home. Again utilising a restroom to tease, deny and consume my pre-cum for you Mistress. I was almost in subbie heaven; so horny, so eager to please, so pre-possessed with a knowledge I was not allowed to cum.
I returned to my car, thoughts of going further and further to enhance your pleasure Mistress. The car park itself posed a new thought. Could I park up in a quiet corner and edge for you in broad daylight in public view? As I mused this on Twitter you made it clear it wasn’t be an option. This edge had the same intensity as the one I completed in front of the window last week. People absolutely could see me if they looked in my direction. What would they think? It didn’t matter to me at that point. I just wanted to please you and if my shame gave you that, then so be it. As I reached my edge so, so quickly I was happy to zip up and drive away as swiftly as I could.
After a three hour journey home my first action was to get naked, kneel and edge for you again. I did this in front of full length mirror. I could see myself, imagine you stood there with my, smiling and laughing at my frustration and arousal, my desperation.
It was then I realised my feelings were developing all the time. Being naked and kneeling like that gave me such a strong sense of subservience. It was a new feeling for me. It was delicious. In RL, I’m strongly in control of things, always behind the barrier of my suit in command of my senses with my knowledge as cavalry. Here, defenceless, barrier-less and serving you was new. It genuinely made me shiver. So uncomfortable. So awkward. So delectable.
I was permitted one more edge as reward for my point’s haul of 23. It wouldn’t count toward my points haul. I was determined to make it a special one for you Mistress. So I borrowed briefly from the mirror game.
I knelt on all fours, a mirror placed underneath me. I reached the edge so very quickly. But there was no pre-cum. So I took a few moments as a pause. And started again. Determined to dribble that pre-cum onto on the mirror. It took a few attempts to create enough. Each edge came with that much quicker, that much more ferociously. I realised I was actually moaning with desire and frustration. That moan turned into a whimper as I licked my pre-cum from the mirror, seeing my own reflection as I did it. I clothed myself and tried to carry on with my daily chores and work.
I could not clear my thoughts of you however.
And now we’re back on real time. I have new instructions based upon the Mirror Game for this afternoon. A game that could last up to 25 minutes and push me way beyond anything I’ve done before. And no, I’m NOT allowed to cum yet. And thereafter I have a lads evening planned around football. And I have a feeling that you will be first and foremost in my thoughts all day.
Devoted only to you,
cock training,
cum consumption,
Monday, May 23, 2011
Belated Beltane Makeup Weekend Report
by george
george wasn't able to take part on Beltane, so I allowed him to make up the assignment a couple weeks later. Since I knew he wouldn't be able to wear the scrunchies for 24 hours in a row, I required him to wear them for most of the day on both Saturday and Sunday. Likewise, the Beltane edging was spread over both days, with only one release at the very end. Like many of my boys, he had problems finding flowered scrunchies. He had purchased a package of black and white satin ones, so I allowed him to wear one each of black and white on Saturday and then two black ones on Sunday. I've only included a couple of the pics mentioned, which are primarily to give you a glimpse of the scrunchies and panties that he wore each day.
Dear Mistress Magick,
For the first day of my Beltane assignment I chose to wear my black & red bikinis that are displayed on my Twitter icon. I chose them because I know how much you like that pair. You can also see my black & white scrunchies underneath my panties in this photo. After putting on my scrunchies & panties I was so excited that I had to immediately perform my first edge, followed shortly after by another.
Even after two edges I was still incredibly frustrated and I continued to edge as often as possible all day long. The attached photo 'scrunchie9' shows a better view of my black & white scrunchies, as well as just how hard & excited I was. By the time the day ended I was exhausted from constantly edging, All together I edged 12 times that first day, which I believe is a new record for me.
As frustrating as my first Beltane makeup day was, you arranged to make my 2nd even more so after informing me that I should wear my black garter panties, stocking and red lace panties the second day. The attached photo 'BeltaneWithGarters' shows me after preparing for my 2nd Beltane makeup day.
Unfortunately, I am not well experienced in wearing garters and panties, so I made the mistake of putting my panties on underneath. After you pointed this out to me I corrected the situation.
I continued to edge for the rest of my long, frustrating 2nd day. I edged 8 more times, for a total of 20 edges over two days Finally I reached the end of my second day and could hold back no more. I came with explosive force and then licked up all my mess as I thanked you for such an incredible experience.
Your faithful boy
Dear Mistress Magick,
I was unable to participate in your Beltane celebration on May 1, so I was quite excited to be allowed to perform a makeup session. My excitement was intensified by the teasing you had submitted me to leading up to my makeup session. You had made me go without a release for an entire week. You had also informed me that my makeup session would span two days, meaning that my first day of frustration would end without a release.
Even after two edges I was still incredibly frustrated and I continued to edge as often as possible all day long. The attached photo 'scrunchie9' shows a better view of my black & white scrunchies, as well as just how hard & excited I was. By the time the day ended I was exhausted from constantly edging, All together I edged 12 times that first day, which I believe is a new record for me.
As frustrating as my first Beltane makeup day was, you arranged to make my 2nd even more so after informing me that I should wear my black garter panties, stocking and red lace panties the second day. The attached photo 'BeltaneWithGarters' shows me after preparing for my 2nd Beltane makeup day.
Unfortunately, I am not well experienced in wearing garters and panties, so I made the mistake of putting my panties on underneath. After you pointed this out to me I corrected the situation.
I continued to edge for the rest of my long, frustrating 2nd day. I edged 8 more times, for a total of 20 edges over two days Finally I reached the end of my second day and could hold back no more. I came with explosive force and then licked up all my mess as I thanked you for such an incredible experience.
Your faithful boy
cum consumption,
Saturday, May 21, 2011
#MMDay Edging Game Report
by panty freak
Last Thursday, I decided to play an Edging Game as part of a Edging #MMDay.
The original rules specified:
+1 point for each edge.
Add +1 point for kneeling while you edge.
Add +2 points if you were wearing a cock ring during the edge.
Add +3 points if it was in a place or room that you've *never* edged before!
Participating boys & gurls were to tweet each edge with a description and point count. To be considered for a release, they had to have at least 12 points, and be up to date on their reports and tributes.
Below is the first yummy report from my special Edging Game #MMDay.
I was really pleased just to be allowed to participate in your #MMDay. Fortunately, I had a nice purple lace thong to wear to meet your coloured panties requirement, and lots of time to "edge" seeing as I was working at home. You instructed me to tweet after each edge so here are the tweets which tell the story of the day...
1st edge completed for today's #MMDay. On my knees in the shower to earn 2 points. It's going to be a long day... ;-)
Funny how many of these edges were done on my knees, and how appropriate it felt.
[I wanted to encourage boys who could to kneel while edging in order to underscore that they were doing it as a submissive act. I knew those edging in unusual locations might not be able to do so because of considerations such as cleanliness and privacy, so I added it as an option rather than a requirement. ~ MM]
2nd edge completed in my home office, stroking thru my purple panties under the desk... only 1 point. Total 3 points. #MMDay
3rd edge, while on a conference call, on mute fortunately! Deliciously naughty (& thus very quick) but still only 1 pt. Total 4pts #MMDay
After this one, you awarded me a bonus point for masturbating while on a conference call - you are really bad encouraging such naughty behaviour - which I added to the score later.
4th edge, kneeling & imagining @Mistress_Magick looking down on me. Really struggling to stay in control. 2pts for a total of 6pts. #MMDay
It was definitely my favourite image to have you looking down on me and offering some encouragement (and/or some instructions to stop...)
Seriously hot & bothered after 5th edge (1pt) in my garage (3pts), plus 1 bonus point (thank you @Mistress_Magick) = total of 11. #MMDay
It felt quite strange stroking my cock in the garage, but probably much easier that being 'out and about' somewhere.
Hyper aroused after 6th edge, on my bed. Only 1 pt, but 12 in total! Patiently waiting for @Mistress_Magick to decide on my release. #MMDay
At this point, I had 12 points, but really no idea if I'd be allowed to cum or not. If I'd had to guess I'd have said not, but I thought if I could complete a few more edges it might sway things in my favour...
7th edge (1pt) on my knees (1pt) imagining kissing Mistress's feet and begging to be allowed relief. Painfully aroused... Total 14pts #MMDay
8th #MMDay edge stroking through my now moist panties for @Mistress_Magick. 1pt & total of 15. Couldn't be more horny - thank you Mistress.
9th & #MMDay edge on my knees thanking @Mistress_Magick for allowing me relief today. 2pts, total 18. Now to work out, & then orgasm.
This was the final edge, which you insisted on, even when you'd given me permission to cum. It was still hard to stop at the right time, but it felt great knowing that next time I'd be able to finish.
[I actually wanted him to edge immediately before he came, to get so close and then only be allowed to back down a little before he was allowed to begin again and finally let go. Therefore, when I saw that he was going to workout before his orgasm, I ordered him to edge again immediately before his release.]
I came just as you said i should and it was SO good, incredibly powerful and just so much spunk. I knelt on the floor of my office, pulled my purple panties down, and then imagined myself begging for your permission to masturbate. In my fantasy you made me recount all edges that I'd done before allowed me to stroke in front of you. I was so horny that in no time I was close to coming but I knew I had to stop one more time so I imagined you telling me that I didn't have permission to orgasm yet and to put my hands behind my back.
I must have knelt like that for a few minutes, hands behind my back, panties pulled down and raging erection sticking straight up while I imagined you sitting comfortably in front of me, gently teasing me about how much I wanted to masturbate for you, and gently nudging my cock with your toes...
[I have to admit that I do love teasing a boy with my feet. ;-) ]
Finally, I couldn't resist any more so I imagined you telling me that you wanted to see me come. My cock was so hard and so sensitive that it was almost painful to wank, but I came very hard, thinking about you watching me and encouraging me. I fantasised that I was allowed to come on your foot, and when I licked up the spunk that I'd caught in my hand, I imagined I was gently cleaning it from your foot (sorry if this isn't allowed ... it just seemed suitably submissive at the time, but I can understand if you wouldn't want your feet soiled with my come).
[I do occasionally allow boys to cum on my feet and lick it off, but this is a very special privilege that much be earned.]
Mistress, thank you so much for allowing me to come. I was sure you would punish me for my behaviour last week by denying me, but I should have known that you were bigger and more generous than that. After the whole day of edging it was a tremendously satisfying orgasm, and I loved feeling that I was coming for you, with your permission. Thank you, Mistress!
I'm really grateful to you for allowing me to participate. I do want to be a good boy and please you. I looked at the new #MMDay Edging Rules you posted and I think they are good and clear. Perhaps it would be good to have extra points for wearing the right colour panties (or a penalty for not doing so). And then you can adjust the difficulty by deciding on a common colour like black or white, or by choosing, for example, green with yellow spots...
So glad that you enjoyed your MMDay - "yummy" sounds like a great description.
I know I wrote a lot, but really just wanted to say: it was great; you are great; thank you!
panty freak
The original rules specified:
+1 point for each edge.
Add +1 point for kneeling while you edge.
Add +2 points if you were wearing a cock ring during the edge.
Add +3 points if it was in a place or room that you've *never* edged before!
Participating boys & gurls were to tweet each edge with a description and point count. To be considered for a release, they had to have at least 12 points, and be up to date on their reports and tributes.
Below is the first yummy report from my special Edging Game #MMDay.
I was really pleased just to be allowed to participate in your #MMDay. Fortunately, I had a nice purple lace thong to wear to meet your coloured panties requirement, and lots of time to "edge" seeing as I was working at home. You instructed me to tweet after each edge so here are the tweets which tell the story of the day...
1st edge completed for today's #MMDay. On my knees in the shower to earn 2 points. It's going to be a long day... ;-)
Funny how many of these edges were done on my knees, and how appropriate it felt.
[I wanted to encourage boys who could to kneel while edging in order to underscore that they were doing it as a submissive act. I knew those edging in unusual locations might not be able to do so because of considerations such as cleanliness and privacy, so I added it as an option rather than a requirement. ~ MM]
2nd edge completed in my home office, stroking thru my purple panties under the desk... only 1 point. Total 3 points. #MMDay
3rd edge, while on a conference call, on mute fortunately! Deliciously naughty (& thus very quick) but still only 1 pt. Total 4pts #MMDay
After this one, you awarded me a bonus point for masturbating while on a conference call - you are really bad encouraging such naughty behaviour - which I added to the score later.
4th edge, kneeling & imagining @Mistress_Magick looking down on me. Really struggling to stay in control. 2pts for a total of 6pts. #MMDay
It was definitely my favourite image to have you looking down on me and offering some encouragement (and/or some instructions to stop...)
Seriously hot & bothered after 5th edge (1pt) in my garage (3pts), plus 1 bonus point (thank you @Mistress_Magick) = total of 11. #MMDay
It felt quite strange stroking my cock in the garage, but probably much easier that being 'out and about' somewhere.
Hyper aroused after 6th edge, on my bed. Only 1 pt, but 12 in total! Patiently waiting for @Mistress_Magick to decide on my release. #MMDay
At this point, I had 12 points, but really no idea if I'd be allowed to cum or not. If I'd had to guess I'd have said not, but I thought if I could complete a few more edges it might sway things in my favour...
7th edge (1pt) on my knees (1pt) imagining kissing Mistress's feet and begging to be allowed relief. Painfully aroused... Total 14pts #MMDay
8th #MMDay edge stroking through my now moist panties for @Mistress_Magick. 1pt & total of 15. Couldn't be more horny - thank you Mistress.
9th & #MMDay edge on my knees thanking @Mistress_Magick for allowing me relief today. 2pts, total 18. Now to work out, & then orgasm.
This was the final edge, which you insisted on, even when you'd given me permission to cum. It was still hard to stop at the right time, but it felt great knowing that next time I'd be able to finish.
[I actually wanted him to edge immediately before he came, to get so close and then only be allowed to back down a little before he was allowed to begin again and finally let go. Therefore, when I saw that he was going to workout before his orgasm, I ordered him to edge again immediately before his release.]
I came just as you said i should and it was SO good, incredibly powerful and just so much spunk. I knelt on the floor of my office, pulled my purple panties down, and then imagined myself begging for your permission to masturbate. In my fantasy you made me recount all edges that I'd done before allowed me to stroke in front of you. I was so horny that in no time I was close to coming but I knew I had to stop one more time so I imagined you telling me that I didn't have permission to orgasm yet and to put my hands behind my back.
I must have knelt like that for a few minutes, hands behind my back, panties pulled down and raging erection sticking straight up while I imagined you sitting comfortably in front of me, gently teasing me about how much I wanted to masturbate for you, and gently nudging my cock with your toes...
[I have to admit that I do love teasing a boy with my feet. ;-) ]
Finally, I couldn't resist any more so I imagined you telling me that you wanted to see me come. My cock was so hard and so sensitive that it was almost painful to wank, but I came very hard, thinking about you watching me and encouraging me. I fantasised that I was allowed to come on your foot, and when I licked up the spunk that I'd caught in my hand, I imagined I was gently cleaning it from your foot (sorry if this isn't allowed ... it just seemed suitably submissive at the time, but I can understand if you wouldn't want your feet soiled with my come).
[I do occasionally allow boys to cum on my feet and lick it off, but this is a very special privilege that much be earned.]
Mistress, thank you so much for allowing me to come. I was sure you would punish me for my behaviour last week by denying me, but I should have known that you were bigger and more generous than that. After the whole day of edging it was a tremendously satisfying orgasm, and I loved feeling that I was coming for you, with your permission. Thank you, Mistress!
I'm really grateful to you for allowing me to participate. I do want to be a good boy and please you. I looked at the new #MMDay Edging Rules you posted and I think they are good and clear. Perhaps it would be good to have extra points for wearing the right colour panties (or a penalty for not doing so). And then you can adjust the difficulty by deciding on a common colour like black or white, or by choosing, for example, green with yellow spots...
So glad that you enjoyed your MMDay - "yummy" sounds like a great description.
I know I wrote a lot, but really just wanted to say: it was great; you are great; thank you!
panty freak
cock training,
cum consumption,
panty freak,
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Naughty Weekend Edging & Release Report
by mKo
I am really enjoying all the naughty places where I can have mykinkyother edge for me, and I love the power of being able to order him to do it on My whim. While he is limited in the other things that he can do for me, the thrill of him edging in public places, with people nearby and the possibility of getting caught is so utterly hot, and I am soon touching myself as well! *
As per your command I humbly submit my report of torment and teasing from this past weekend. I hope you enjoy this as much as you did the last.
I was last granted a release on Tuesday. By Saturday I had edged only a few times at your command. Four days for me is usually a long time so I was literally hanging on your every command; my pulse quickening every time I saw a tweet from you. My nerves and anticipation of what you would have me do next for you was incredible. My situation was not aided by writing my previous report in public at a local Starbucks. As I recalled the feelings and emotions tied to those events my cock stiffened under the table. Even though I knew people could see my obvious arousal if the chose to be looking that direction, I could not stop it.
As I pressed send on my email and tweeted you to tell of my situation and location I almost knew what I would have to do next. I finished my coffee, drumming my fingers on the table constantly glancing toward the toilet door. The coffee shop was busy and had a steady flow of people in and out the doors and there was also a queue for the toilet. I knew that even if I wanted to leave, I shouldn't and in fact couldn't.
Your tweet arrived. I was to edge in the toilets. My cock had been pressing against the inside of my jeans for nearly 20 minutes and the sight of your tweet nearly made it rip clean of the denim! I was not allowed to cum. A heavenly nightmare of a situation presented itself. I was desperate to cum but knew today wasn't to be the day already. I knew I had to edge but couldn't get to the toilets without people seeing my "bulge".
I took a few breaths whilst I waited for the queue to the toilet to dissipate. As it slowly disapeared to one person I made a dash toward the door, timing it perfectly. As they left I went in. A youngish girl was leaving, looking at the floor thankfully.
I looked around the stall. It was fairly clean, I pulled my cock free and I noticed I already had cum dribbling from my bulging head. It didn't take long to reach the edge and I managed to last a good 10 seconds right on the tipping point. People were constantly trying the door which made me jump and my heart pound even more.
It took another few minutes to calm down. I sent my tweet confirming that I'd followed my instructions, zipped up and left. A queue of people were looking at my flushed face as I left the toilet. I was cringing but trying so hard to act normally!
Later on I recieved a command from you to edge at least three more times! Three! I was already bursting, my cock was permanently swollen and I could feel every move I made pressing on me, making it worse and worse. But I was hardly going to disappoint my Mistress. I knew I only had two more stops for the day and they were both going to be very difficult and very busy!
As I arrived I home I went to the bathroom and completed my first edge there. I'd barely calmed down and it took no time at all to get that now all too familiar sight of cum oozing from the end of my hard cock. I was finding it harder and harder to calm down. If I had to take 5 minutes now, how long would it take when I was exposed and in public? Yikes. I was loving suffering for you Mistress.
About an hour later I found myself wandering around a major department store called Debenhams. [My jezi-darling shops there for panties to wear for me.] This was my targetted second stop of the day. Needless to say it was a busy Saturday. As you hadn't mandated where I was to edge I took a slightly softer option and headed to the toilet as opposed to a dressing room. To my utter dismay they had school type cubicles; 6 feet of wood for walls and doors with gaps over and under. How could I edge here?? I had to, I knew that and already I was hard. I could hear people moving in and out of the cubicles around me, sounding so close that I could reach over and shake hands if I wanted.
As I grabbed my cock and started pulling gently I closed my eyes; I think I didn't want to know if people saw me! Again, it was less than a minute until I was riding that wave. My cock bobbed and jerk spasmodically as I let go just before I went too far, desperate for one more touch, just a little something to crest the wave of pleasure I really needed. Again it took an age to calm down enough to leave and even then I was hardly "soft". My face burned as I washed my hands with people who had been innocently going about their business.
My final place of shame was to be a friends house. We were due there for a BBQ mid-afternoon and it was my last chance to follow orders. This one made me more nervous than ever. Being caught by a stranger was bad enough...being caught with your hand in your trousers by your mate's wife on a sunny Saturday afternoon was creating an amazing amount of consternation. I had no idea, but this wouldn't be the most difficult part of my weekend adventure!
I excused myself from the table and wandered to the toilet. It was a folding panel door with a tiny brass bolt just six feet from the lounge and the 2 feet from the kitchen. I figured that as they were in the garden I'd have a bit less worry. As I checked my tweets and free'd myself I heard voices. It had started to rain! The guys came in from the garden and parked in the lounge chatting loudly about the football, while my wife and my best mate's wife settled in the kitchen to tidying! They were inches from me, stood in the toilet with my hard, throbbing cock in hand! Needless to say I didn't really take a lot of touching to see that futile dribble of pre-cum emerge. ow I looked any of them in the face for the next three hours I don't know but they all commented on the fresh air had made me rosy cheeked!! [Oh my!]
The next morning, I awoke and said good morning to you Mistress as I prepared for our weekly sabbatical to church. Somehow, you knew. I don't know how, but you did. And as I checked my tweets just before communion began I saw your message "I wonder...do you got church...such a naughty place to edge"! I spent 40 minutes with the biggest ever hard on. It was almost painful I was so aroused. Made all the worse by the amount of people seated around me focussed so intently on their religion. It was such a strange feeling to be wished well as I left at the end knowing I was about to use the toilet to edge for your pleasure Mistress. I could hear the bells ringing and the laughs and jovial chatter of a congregation of 100+ plus as I pushed my cock toward that heavenly threshold only to be denied once more. Thankfully the toilets were on the way out of the church so I did not have to walk through too many to leave but I'm sure my face was a picture!
Later that day I tweeted to tell you of my whereabouts. I'd had a busy shopping day and was finishing the weekend with dinner at my parents. Your next tweet filled me with a feeling I couldn't describe. I was allowed to cum for you. Right now. At my parents. OMG! It was the only thing I could concentrate on.
I was in to the toilet in a flash. I laid a towel on the floor, grabbed hold of my cock and tugged frantically until I released, pleasure and pressure pushing out of my like a cyclone. I came so hard Mistress. I gasped out the words I knew were right: "Thank you, Mistress Magick". My hand was virtually overflowing with very hot cum. I'd never cum that much before. I looked at it, knowing I really didn't want to lick it up. I wasn't interested at all, but I knew I had to because you commanded it, Mistress. The taste is still indescribable, and I cannot say I enjoyed it, BUT for the fact I could feel myself growing aroused again as I licked in between my fingers.
Once settled and washed, I headed back to the lounge area. To my horror my mothers first words were "Were you talking to someone in the toilet?" They'd heard my gasp your name, Mistress! I explained, calmly I hope, that I'd taken a call from a friend whislt in there. But I knew my face was betraying my words; I could not halt the blush or feeling of utter embarrassment. Nor the throbbing in my trousers these feelings and the taste of cum in my mouth was provoking.
Ever yours, Mistress,
As per your command I humbly submit my report of torment and teasing from this past weekend. I hope you enjoy this as much as you did the last.
I was last granted a release on Tuesday. By Saturday I had edged only a few times at your command. Four days for me is usually a long time so I was literally hanging on your every command; my pulse quickening every time I saw a tweet from you. My nerves and anticipation of what you would have me do next for you was incredible. My situation was not aided by writing my previous report in public at a local Starbucks. As I recalled the feelings and emotions tied to those events my cock stiffened under the table. Even though I knew people could see my obvious arousal if the chose to be looking that direction, I could not stop it.
As I pressed send on my email and tweeted you to tell of my situation and location I almost knew what I would have to do next. I finished my coffee, drumming my fingers on the table constantly glancing toward the toilet door. The coffee shop was busy and had a steady flow of people in and out the doors and there was also a queue for the toilet. I knew that even if I wanted to leave, I shouldn't and in fact couldn't.
Your tweet arrived. I was to edge in the toilets. My cock had been pressing against the inside of my jeans for nearly 20 minutes and the sight of your tweet nearly made it rip clean of the denim! I was not allowed to cum. A heavenly nightmare of a situation presented itself. I was desperate to cum but knew today wasn't to be the day already. I knew I had to edge but couldn't get to the toilets without people seeing my "bulge".
I took a few breaths whilst I waited for the queue to the toilet to dissipate. As it slowly disapeared to one person I made a dash toward the door, timing it perfectly. As they left I went in. A youngish girl was leaving, looking at the floor thankfully.
I looked around the stall. It was fairly clean, I pulled my cock free and I noticed I already had cum dribbling from my bulging head. It didn't take long to reach the edge and I managed to last a good 10 seconds right on the tipping point. People were constantly trying the door which made me jump and my heart pound even more.
It took another few minutes to calm down. I sent my tweet confirming that I'd followed my instructions, zipped up and left. A queue of people were looking at my flushed face as I left the toilet. I was cringing but trying so hard to act normally!
Later on I recieved a command from you to edge at least three more times! Three! I was already bursting, my cock was permanently swollen and I could feel every move I made pressing on me, making it worse and worse. But I was hardly going to disappoint my Mistress. I knew I only had two more stops for the day and they were both going to be very difficult and very busy!
As I arrived I home I went to the bathroom and completed my first edge there. I'd barely calmed down and it took no time at all to get that now all too familiar sight of cum oozing from the end of my hard cock. I was finding it harder and harder to calm down. If I had to take 5 minutes now, how long would it take when I was exposed and in public? Yikes. I was loving suffering for you Mistress.
About an hour later I found myself wandering around a major department store called Debenhams. [My jezi-darling shops there for panties to wear for me.] This was my targetted second stop of the day. Needless to say it was a busy Saturday. As you hadn't mandated where I was to edge I took a slightly softer option and headed to the toilet as opposed to a dressing room. To my utter dismay they had school type cubicles; 6 feet of wood for walls and doors with gaps over and under. How could I edge here?? I had to, I knew that and already I was hard. I could hear people moving in and out of the cubicles around me, sounding so close that I could reach over and shake hands if I wanted.
As I grabbed my cock and started pulling gently I closed my eyes; I think I didn't want to know if people saw me! Again, it was less than a minute until I was riding that wave. My cock bobbed and jerk spasmodically as I let go just before I went too far, desperate for one more touch, just a little something to crest the wave of pleasure I really needed. Again it took an age to calm down enough to leave and even then I was hardly "soft". My face burned as I washed my hands with people who had been innocently going about their business.
My final place of shame was to be a friends house. We were due there for a BBQ mid-afternoon and it was my last chance to follow orders. This one made me more nervous than ever. Being caught by a stranger was bad enough...being caught with your hand in your trousers by your mate's wife on a sunny Saturday afternoon was creating an amazing amount of consternation. I had no idea, but this wouldn't be the most difficult part of my weekend adventure!
I excused myself from the table and wandered to the toilet. It was a folding panel door with a tiny brass bolt just six feet from the lounge and the 2 feet from the kitchen. I figured that as they were in the garden I'd have a bit less worry. As I checked my tweets and free'd myself I heard voices. It had started to rain! The guys came in from the garden and parked in the lounge chatting loudly about the football, while my wife and my best mate's wife settled in the kitchen to tidying! They were inches from me, stood in the toilet with my hard, throbbing cock in hand! Needless to say I didn't really take a lot of touching to see that futile dribble of pre-cum emerge. ow I looked any of them in the face for the next three hours I don't know but they all commented on the fresh air had made me rosy cheeked!! [Oh my!]
The next morning, I awoke and said good morning to you Mistress as I prepared for our weekly sabbatical to church. Somehow, you knew. I don't know how, but you did. And as I checked my tweets just before communion began I saw your message "I wonder...do you got church...such a naughty place to edge"! I spent 40 minutes with the biggest ever hard on. It was almost painful I was so aroused. Made all the worse by the amount of people seated around me focussed so intently on their religion. It was such a strange feeling to be wished well as I left at the end knowing I was about to use the toilet to edge for your pleasure Mistress. I could hear the bells ringing and the laughs and jovial chatter of a congregation of 100+ plus as I pushed my cock toward that heavenly threshold only to be denied once more. Thankfully the toilets were on the way out of the church so I did not have to walk through too many to leave but I'm sure my face was a picture!
Later that day I tweeted to tell you of my whereabouts. I'd had a busy shopping day and was finishing the weekend with dinner at my parents. Your next tweet filled me with a feeling I couldn't describe. I was allowed to cum for you. Right now. At my parents. OMG! It was the only thing I could concentrate on.
I was in to the toilet in a flash. I laid a towel on the floor, grabbed hold of my cock and tugged frantically until I released, pleasure and pressure pushing out of my like a cyclone. I came so hard Mistress. I gasped out the words I knew were right: "Thank you, Mistress Magick". My hand was virtually overflowing with very hot cum. I'd never cum that much before. I looked at it, knowing I really didn't want to lick it up. I wasn't interested at all, but I knew I had to because you commanded it, Mistress. The taste is still indescribable, and I cannot say I enjoyed it, BUT for the fact I could feel myself growing aroused again as I licked in between my fingers.
Once settled and washed, I headed back to the lounge area. To my horror my mothers first words were "Were you talking to someone in the toilet?" They'd heard my gasp your name, Mistress! I explained, calmly I hope, that I'd taken a call from a friend whislt in there. But I knew my face was betraying my words; I could not halt the blush or feeling of utter embarrassment. Nor the throbbing in my trousers these feelings and the taste of cum in my mouth was provoking.
Ever yours, Mistress,
cock training,
cum consumption,
tease and denial
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Macy's Lacy Purple Panties Shopping Report
by george
It's so sexy to send george to that Macy's to shop for panties. ;-) I can't wait for him to edge in these tomorrow for the Purple-Pantied Edging #MMDay. ;-) I've invented a new Edging Game to make things even more interesting tomorrow!
Dear Mistress Magick,
Yesterday while I was in New York City on a business trip I received your instructions to go shopping for purple panties for tomorrow's #MMDay. I had not planned on going panty shopping on this trip, but I did not want to miss out on this.
You did not specify where I should go shopping, but of course I went straight to Macy's where they have a mind boggling lingerie section that must span at least an acre. The only down side is that it is difficult to find a specific item because you keep getting distracted by all the exotic items they have on display.
Unfortunately, it did not seem like purple was a polular color at Macy's, so I wound up wandering thru the entire lingerie department trying to find panties in the proper color. I was very nervous that I would gain the attention of the always helpful sales ladies, but I arrived at a very busy time so I was left free to roam.
I was further hampered by the fact that I am partially color blind, so I always have trouble looking for a color like purple, getting mixed up by all the shades of blue, violet and everything in between. I realized that I would have no choice but to ask for assistance with the colors.
I gathered a number of possible choices in what I thought might be purple and then nervously approached one of the sales ladies. I explained my problem with colors, but I'm not sure she believed me when I told her I was buying panties for someone else. It turned out that only one of the panties I had selected was actually purple. Just to be sure, I risked further embarrasment by checking with a second sales lady. [Smiling wickly at the idea of you asking again... "just to make sure". ;-)]
Attached are some photos I took this morning when I modeled my new purple panties for you. The flash on my camera seemed to affect the color in the photos, so I included one photo with flash (PurpleThongFlash) and one without (PurpleThong). I also included a rear view (PurpleThongRear). [I really like the color with the flash so that's the one I posted. The other pic looks magenta.]
For reference, here is a link to these panties on Macy's website:
Thank you so much for sending me on another exciting shopping trip at Macy's. I am looking forward to wearing these sexy panties tomorrow.
Your faithful boy
Dear Mistress Magick,
Yesterday while I was in New York City on a business trip I received your instructions to go shopping for purple panties for tomorrow's #MMDay. I had not planned on going panty shopping on this trip, but I did not want to miss out on this.
You did not specify where I should go shopping, but of course I went straight to Macy's where they have a mind boggling lingerie section that must span at least an acre. The only down side is that it is difficult to find a specific item because you keep getting distracted by all the exotic items they have on display.
Unfortunately, it did not seem like purple was a polular color at Macy's, so I wound up wandering thru the entire lingerie department trying to find panties in the proper color. I was very nervous that I would gain the attention of the always helpful sales ladies, but I arrived at a very busy time so I was left free to roam.
I was further hampered by the fact that I am partially color blind, so I always have trouble looking for a color like purple, getting mixed up by all the shades of blue, violet and everything in between. I realized that I would have no choice but to ask for assistance with the colors.
I gathered a number of possible choices in what I thought might be purple and then nervously approached one of the sales ladies. I explained my problem with colors, but I'm not sure she believed me when I told her I was buying panties for someone else. It turned out that only one of the panties I had selected was actually purple. Just to be sure, I risked further embarrasment by checking with a second sales lady. [Smiling wickly at the idea of you asking again... "just to make sure". ;-)]
Attached are some photos I took this morning when I modeled my new purple panties for you. The flash on my camera seemed to affect the color in the photos, so I included one photo with flash (PurpleThongFlash) and one without (PurpleThong). I also included a rear view (PurpleThongRear). [I really like the color with the flash so that's the one I posted. The other pic looks magenta.]
For reference, here is a link to these panties on Macy's website:
Thank you so much for sending me on another exciting shopping trip at Macy's. I am looking forward to wearing these sexy panties tomorrow.
Your faithful boy
Three Ring Circus Wearing Report
by azpanties
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click here to view the post.
Monday, May 16, 2011
#MMDay Edging & Release Report
by mykinkyother
I'm really enjoying playing with "my kinky other" (mKo). Sending him off to edge on my whim, and to release in very naughty places, is reminding me of all the fun that I had with edward cantor in that regard, and exactly how hot and bothered having the right boy as my toy can make me.
In this case, mKo misunderstood my instructions that he was no longer allowed to touch after his release to mean that he had to ruin his orgasm as well.. to stop stroking as soon as he passed that point of no return, so that he was not allowed the full pleasure and satisfaction of his orgasm.
I don't usually "believe" in ruined orgasms. Since the energy and pleasures of all releases are to be dedicated to me (if they are not in service of a wife/long-term partner), I expect them to be fully enjoyed, and in fact, my training is also intended to make them much more intense.
However, in this case, I found the ruined orgasm to be an interesting addition. I wonder if the feeling of submissiveness that it brought made it easier for him to consume his own cum. I think I may have to conduct a careful study of his reactions to different types of orgasms. ;-)
For now, enjoy his first report:
* * *
On Tuesday I was, rightly so, participating in #MMDay. I hadn't cum since the previous Friday so I was very horny. The instructions were to edge as much as we wanted to, and we were allowed a release within 24 hours as long as we stopped touching when we finally pushed over the edge. Consuming my cum was also a prerequisite.
I was excited as the idea of letting go at that point was entirely alien to me. Equally, i had only once before consumed my own cum. It is not something I enjoy, but the idea of being compelled to do so is....*shiver*...just delicious.
As the day wore on I had edged many times. I was using the single restroom at my work office. These edging sessions including a marathon 20 minute effort, in which I lost count of the times I pushed to "that" point but no further. My cock was literally throbbing with frustration, and I couldn't even touch myself by the end for fear of going too far. Every time I left the rest room I felt a burn of embarrassment; sure that my colleagues could see a bulge in my trousers where my denied and frustrated cock sat. Needless to say I was desperate to cum by the time I left for the day.
I arrived at the gym by 5:30. It was then I realised with horror: "I have a business dinner arranged!". How was I going to be able to take my permission for a ruined orgasm if I had no time to myself?
Mistress, you had plenty of ideas in store for me! I tweeted whilst on the treadmill to report my potential failure to follow your instructions and the reasons why.
Your suggestion? Of course, I was to take myself to the restroom and finish there. Ensuring that I consumed my load of course. I instantly got hard and had to stop the treadmill, feigning cramp to hide my embarrassment! Surely it wasn't possible! But the more I thought on it, the more your words of command burned into my subconscious. By the time I finished my workout and arrived at the restaurant I was unable to think of anything else.
[I loved when he tweeted about his reaction on the treadmill. It made me so warm, and, of course, after such an intense reaction to my simple suggestion, I had to have him follow through and do it! ~ M ]
My mind reeled with the possibilities that lay before me. If my reaction was this strong, would you make a habit of commanding me to do this kind of thing more? [Oh, most definitely! ;-)] What if my colleagues noticed something was amiss? Could I do what I needed to in the restroom without attracting attention? Arrrgh!
After mostly inane chatter and business speak over the starter and main course I was unable to contain myself any longer. I yearned incandescently to do what you required of me. I excused myself and headed to the restroom.
I was familiar with these toilets as I'd lunched here before. It had a largish, well appointed single cubicle I could use. As I closed the door to the cubicle my heart was racing, my cock pushing it's way out of my jeans.
It didn't take long to reach the point of no return. I was careful to follow instructions. As my edge built, I stroked one further time and let go. My body shuddered as the peak of my orgasm built and faded, but the physical reaction could not be contained. "Thank you Mistress Magick" I gasped as four days of pent up sexual energy created an alarmingly LARGE load. I usually cum very hard but as I had released my cock my cum oozed forth rather than burst. I was desperate to touch myself again, to finish what I had started, but I didn't. I knew better.
I was in a strange place psychologically. Usually after I have cum I switch off. My "horny button" resets, and I am no longer interested. But for some reason, this time it hadn't. Maybe it was the denied orgasm, maybe it was the setting and the circumstance. Probably it was both. I gazed at my handful of cum and the idea of consuming it just turned me on more and more despite my revulsion at the idea. As I lapped it up my cock began to swell again, and my face was a mask of confused emotion.
I eventually left the cubicle, washed my hands, departed the restroom and walked back through the restaurant to my table. I was convinced that all the eyes in the restaurant could see my shame! My cheeks felt on fire. The more I thought about it, the worse it got! Could my colleagues smell cum on my breath? What if I hadn't washed my hands properly? And all the time, the denial of my orgasm left me wanting more. I couldn't explain how I felt other than saying I wash awash in a sea of emotion that you had created for me Mistress. I was on a peculiar cloud nine and loving it.
Thank you Mistress.
Humbly yours,
In this case, mKo misunderstood my instructions that he was no longer allowed to touch after his release to mean that he had to ruin his orgasm as well.. to stop stroking as soon as he passed that point of no return, so that he was not allowed the full pleasure and satisfaction of his orgasm.
I don't usually "believe" in ruined orgasms. Since the energy and pleasures of all releases are to be dedicated to me (if they are not in service of a wife/long-term partner), I expect them to be fully enjoyed, and in fact, my training is also intended to make them much more intense.
However, in this case, I found the ruined orgasm to be an interesting addition. I wonder if the feeling of submissiveness that it brought made it easier for him to consume his own cum. I think I may have to conduct a careful study of his reactions to different types of orgasms. ;-)
For now, enjoy his first report:
* * *
On Tuesday I was, rightly so, participating in #MMDay. I hadn't cum since the previous Friday so I was very horny. The instructions were to edge as much as we wanted to, and we were allowed a release within 24 hours as long as we stopped touching when we finally pushed over the edge. Consuming my cum was also a prerequisite.
I was excited as the idea of letting go at that point was entirely alien to me. Equally, i had only once before consumed my own cum. It is not something I enjoy, but the idea of being compelled to do so is....*shiver*...just delicious.
As the day wore on I had edged many times. I was using the single restroom at my work office. These edging sessions including a marathon 20 minute effort, in which I lost count of the times I pushed to "that" point but no further. My cock was literally throbbing with frustration, and I couldn't even touch myself by the end for fear of going too far. Every time I left the rest room I felt a burn of embarrassment; sure that my colleagues could see a bulge in my trousers where my denied and frustrated cock sat. Needless to say I was desperate to cum by the time I left for the day.
I arrived at the gym by 5:30. It was then I realised with horror: "I have a business dinner arranged!". How was I going to be able to take my permission for a ruined orgasm if I had no time to myself?
Mistress, you had plenty of ideas in store for me! I tweeted whilst on the treadmill to report my potential failure to follow your instructions and the reasons why.
Your suggestion? Of course, I was to take myself to the restroom and finish there. Ensuring that I consumed my load of course. I instantly got hard and had to stop the treadmill, feigning cramp to hide my embarrassment! Surely it wasn't possible! But the more I thought on it, the more your words of command burned into my subconscious. By the time I finished my workout and arrived at the restaurant I was unable to think of anything else.
[I loved when he tweeted about his reaction on the treadmill. It made me so warm, and, of course, after such an intense reaction to my simple suggestion, I had to have him follow through and do it! ~ M ]
My mind reeled with the possibilities that lay before me. If my reaction was this strong, would you make a habit of commanding me to do this kind of thing more? [Oh, most definitely! ;-)] What if my colleagues noticed something was amiss? Could I do what I needed to in the restroom without attracting attention? Arrrgh!
After mostly inane chatter and business speak over the starter and main course I was unable to contain myself any longer. I yearned incandescently to do what you required of me. I excused myself and headed to the restroom.
I was familiar with these toilets as I'd lunched here before. It had a largish, well appointed single cubicle I could use. As I closed the door to the cubicle my heart was racing, my cock pushing it's way out of my jeans.
It didn't take long to reach the point of no return. I was careful to follow instructions. As my edge built, I stroked one further time and let go. My body shuddered as the peak of my orgasm built and faded, but the physical reaction could not be contained. "Thank you Mistress Magick" I gasped as four days of pent up sexual energy created an alarmingly LARGE load. I usually cum very hard but as I had released my cock my cum oozed forth rather than burst. I was desperate to touch myself again, to finish what I had started, but I didn't. I knew better.
I was in a strange place psychologically. Usually after I have cum I switch off. My "horny button" resets, and I am no longer interested. But for some reason, this time it hadn't. Maybe it was the denied orgasm, maybe it was the setting and the circumstance. Probably it was both. I gazed at my handful of cum and the idea of consuming it just turned me on more and more despite my revulsion at the idea. As I lapped it up my cock began to swell again, and my face was a mask of confused emotion.
I eventually left the cubicle, washed my hands, departed the restroom and walked back through the restaurant to my table. I was convinced that all the eyes in the restaurant could see my shame! My cheeks felt on fire. The more I thought about it, the worse it got! Could my colleagues smell cum on my breath? What if I hadn't washed my hands properly? And all the time, the denial of my orgasm left me wanting more. I couldn't explain how I felt other than saying I wash awash in a sea of emotion that you had created for me Mistress. I was on a peculiar cloud nine and loving it.
Thank you Mistress.
Humbly yours,
cock training,
cum consumption,
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Metal Cock Ring / Collar Report
by jezi-darling
It looks so simple doesn't it?
It is hard to believe that something so basic can inspire so much fear or pride
... and have such meaning attached to it.
Dear Mistress,
Here is my report on the wearing and feelings surrounding Your lavender metal cock ring.
i admit to being scared of the thought of something so permanent about Your package, regardless that i knew the rubber rings had previously come away quite freely. They were of course able to be cut if necessary and they also stretched: a technique that i had used early on with them to ensure the full snaring of the cock and balls. *blush*
i have to admit to loving the feeling and touch of the cold metal as i was preparing to make my first attempt at wearing the ring, but i still struggled to have the balls 'free' enough to be able to coax them through the ring. It was then that i wondered about ringing the whole package with the rubber ring to have Your full package snared and readily presented for ringing. No way they could sneak away and hide from the metal ring!
Having done this and having Your package well presented and appointed, i attempted to feed each ball through first. I was quite delicate at first, nervous of applying too much pressure but this didn't seem to work as the metal ring lacked the flexibility of the rubber purple ring and did not 'give' in any way. i realised there would have to be more force applied to my 'delicate' and relatively virginal balls (at least with a metal ring!) and i pushed firmly so that one and then the second followed through the ring. i breathed a deep sigh of relief that they were both through, sitting proudly and large encircled by Your lavender metal ring, the slippery nature of the aluminium i believe helped them slide through at the end.
Remembering that Your cock is basically a very soft and sloppy thing when not aroused, i grabbed the now slippery tip (as it was oozing precum from the exciting and nervous thoughts) and began to tuck it through the ring behind the balls till it was possible to pull it through to join it's friends! i gasped and smiled with pleasure at having achieved what i had been so very worried about for You.
i knew how much You had wanted me to wear Your ring (and that this was the position that i had been aiming for given that a traditional collar about my neck may never be truly achievable) so i felt much pride and love and devotion at my achievement. i smiled broadly and gave devotion to You, my Mistress, by repeating the mantra we have for when i am allowed cummies. it felt appropriate, and as i said subsequently it felt like Your package was truely Yours for this ring was so much more than the rubber ones and it seemed to contain Your package better too.
i have now worn Your ring twice, for this is truly Your ring, Mistress. The first time i had to remove it after 20 mins as it was quite sore in the left groin area, but today i am pleased to say that even with a couple of edges, blush, it remained about Your package for nearly an hour with very little discomfort. And it certainly made my edges shorter! Perhaps that was the excitement of wearing it as much as anything though.
i sit here in nicely spotted baby pink satin bikini panties for Your #MMDay and am delighted to be as always,
Your adoring, chaste sissy jezi-girl
i love You, Mistress
I'm so glad that jezi finally tried on the larger purple aluminum ring that I sent her. It is meant to be a "collar" that she can wear more discretely than a traditional one.
I do want to note that she had a tendency to "cheat" with the rubber rings, stretching them over her package as she could rather than putting each ball through individually and then following with her (My) cock as suggested, and I think that made it harder for her to learn to do it properly with the metal ring. boys & girls, there is a reason that I want you to practice with the rubber rings first, and it's not just for sizing purposes!
That being said, her balls are quite naughty, and have a tendency to like to escape. The technique of putting the rubber ring on first seems to be doing the job in regard to not letting them do so as she is putting on the metal one, and the firmer, metal ring seems to be doing a much better job of holding them there once they have been caught!
It is hard to believe that something so basic can inspire so much fear or pride
... and have such meaning attached to it.
Dear Mistress,
Here is my report on the wearing and feelings surrounding Your lavender metal cock ring.
i admit to being scared of the thought of something so permanent about Your package, regardless that i knew the rubber rings had previously come away quite freely. They were of course able to be cut if necessary and they also stretched: a technique that i had used early on with them to ensure the full snaring of the cock and balls. *blush*
i have to admit to loving the feeling and touch of the cold metal as i was preparing to make my first attempt at wearing the ring, but i still struggled to have the balls 'free' enough to be able to coax them through the ring. It was then that i wondered about ringing the whole package with the rubber ring to have Your full package snared and readily presented for ringing. No way they could sneak away and hide from the metal ring!
Having done this and having Your package well presented and appointed, i attempted to feed each ball through first. I was quite delicate at first, nervous of applying too much pressure but this didn't seem to work as the metal ring lacked the flexibility of the rubber purple ring and did not 'give' in any way. i realised there would have to be more force applied to my 'delicate' and relatively virginal balls (at least with a metal ring!) and i pushed firmly so that one and then the second followed through the ring. i breathed a deep sigh of relief that they were both through, sitting proudly and large encircled by Your lavender metal ring, the slippery nature of the aluminium i believe helped them slide through at the end.
Remembering that Your cock is basically a very soft and sloppy thing when not aroused, i grabbed the now slippery tip (as it was oozing precum from the exciting and nervous thoughts) and began to tuck it through the ring behind the balls till it was possible to pull it through to join it's friends! i gasped and smiled with pleasure at having achieved what i had been so very worried about for You.
i knew how much You had wanted me to wear Your ring (and that this was the position that i had been aiming for given that a traditional collar about my neck may never be truly achievable) so i felt much pride and love and devotion at my achievement. i smiled broadly and gave devotion to You, my Mistress, by repeating the mantra we have for when i am allowed cummies. it felt appropriate, and as i said subsequently it felt like Your package was truely Yours for this ring was so much more than the rubber ones and it seemed to contain Your package better too.
i have now worn Your ring twice, for this is truly Your ring, Mistress. The first time i had to remove it after 20 mins as it was quite sore in the left groin area, but today i am pleased to say that even with a couple of edges, blush, it remained about Your package for nearly an hour with very little discomfort. And it certainly made my edges shorter! Perhaps that was the excitement of wearing it as much as anything though.
i sit here in nicely spotted baby pink satin bikini panties for Your #MMDay and am delighted to be as always,
Your adoring, chaste sissy jezi-girl
i love You, Mistress
I'm so glad that jezi finally tried on the larger purple aluminum ring that I sent her. It is meant to be a "collar" that she can wear more discretely than a traditional one.
I do want to note that she had a tendency to "cheat" with the rubber rings, stretching them over her package as she could rather than putting each ball through individually and then following with her (My) cock as suggested, and I think that made it harder for her to learn to do it properly with the metal ring. boys & girls, there is a reason that I want you to practice with the rubber rings first, and it's not just for sizing purposes!
That being said, her balls are quite naughty, and have a tendency to like to escape. The technique of putting the rubber ring on first seems to be doing the job in regard to not letting them do so as she is putting on the metal one, and the firmer, metal ring seems to be doing a much better job of holding them there once they have been caught!
cock ring,
cock training,
Monday, May 9, 2011
Chastity & Masturbation Report
by panty freak
My newest possible potential, panty freak, is traveling internationally, with limited email access, for a couple weeks so I sent him a masturbation schedule before he left. I'm making use of the time that he is away by giving him Edging Practice Days, with his first one since Beltane (Sunday, May 1st) being the next Thursday. He mentioned how difficult it was for him to be chaste for four days before Beltane, so I wanted him to do it again... for me.
Then, knowing how stressful traveling for work can be, I gave him a special reward for his weekend (Saturday & Sunday) out of the country: He could edge as much as he wanted, for up to 48 hours (double the usual limit) but as usual, once he came, he had to stop touching. He knew that his next Edging Practice Day would be Tuesday regardless of whether he came early Saturday or late Sunday. In doing so, I forced him to choose for himself how long he wanted to be frustrated, but able to touch, now versus how long he wanted to have to wait, without touching, later. ;-)
Mistress, thank you again for controlling my masturbation while I'm away, and apologies for not keeping you up to date with my behaviour.
I waited until Thursday to masturbate - 4 days since May Day as instructed. I found it very difficult being away and not able to play with myself. I am feeling lost, guilty, vulnerable, distracted, stressed and certainly very submissive. I hated having to lick up my cum from my hand, but I knew that was what you required. I've licked up my cum before, but only with someone there to offer 'encouragement', but I managed to complete my task by imagining you whispering in my ear to "be a good boy and lick up all your mess."
Mistress, thank you for allowing me extra access to my cock this weekend. You are very generous and I confess I rather overindulged, spending a large part of the day touching myself yesterday - sometimes wanking hard with my cock in my hard and then forcing myself to stop at the last minute, sometimes humping the mattress in my hotel room, and sometimes just enjoying the feeling of my erection pressing against my sun lounger while I looked at the women around the hotel pool...
I really wanted to be allowed access to my cock all weekend, but I was so horny that I just had to cum last night. In the end I decided to masturbate knowing that I was going to cum. I put a plate on the floor, knelt in front of it, and stroked my cock hard and fast until I spunked all over the plate. Again, I then had the humiliating task of licking up my cum but it felt slightly better from the plate than from my hand. I hope it is OK to consume my cum in this way, Mistress?
[Yes, it is okay. All methods are acceptable, unless instructed otherwise, as long as the genuine effort is made to catch and consume as much as possible. I prefer the messiness of licking it off a hand, to the neatness of a shot glass, however, there is something quite sexy about the idea of seeing it sprayed across a plate, like a piece of modern art, before you have to lick it up.]
I was hoping that I would sleep better and feel satisfied after wanking, but of course I woke up hard and horny again today, with no permission to even touch myself until Tuesday.
Mistress, I've been a good boy and stuck to the masturbation schedule that you set. I wouldn't dare to complain, but I do feel scared that this is just getting more and more difficult. I've realised that after Tuesday my next chance to masturbate won't be until the following Monday! I know I've been a chronic masturbator in the past, and I'm really grateful to you for controlling my obsessive wanking, I just hope I can keep to the schedule you've set.
panty freak
Then, knowing how stressful traveling for work can be, I gave him a special reward for his weekend (Saturday & Sunday) out of the country: He could edge as much as he wanted, for up to 48 hours (double the usual limit) but as usual, once he came, he had to stop touching. He knew that his next Edging Practice Day would be Tuesday regardless of whether he came early Saturday or late Sunday. In doing so, I forced him to choose for himself how long he wanted to be frustrated, but able to touch, now versus how long he wanted to have to wait, without touching, later. ;-)
Mistress, thank you again for controlling my masturbation while I'm away, and apologies for not keeping you up to date with my behaviour.
I waited until Thursday to masturbate - 4 days since May Day as instructed. I found it very difficult being away and not able to play with myself. I am feeling lost, guilty, vulnerable, distracted, stressed and certainly very submissive. I hated having to lick up my cum from my hand, but I knew that was what you required. I've licked up my cum before, but only with someone there to offer 'encouragement', but I managed to complete my task by imagining you whispering in my ear to "be a good boy and lick up all your mess."
Mistress, thank you for allowing me extra access to my cock this weekend. You are very generous and I confess I rather overindulged, spending a large part of the day touching myself yesterday - sometimes wanking hard with my cock in my hard and then forcing myself to stop at the last minute, sometimes humping the mattress in my hotel room, and sometimes just enjoying the feeling of my erection pressing against my sun lounger while I looked at the women around the hotel pool...
I really wanted to be allowed access to my cock all weekend, but I was so horny that I just had to cum last night. In the end I decided to masturbate knowing that I was going to cum. I put a plate on the floor, knelt in front of it, and stroked my cock hard and fast until I spunked all over the plate. Again, I then had the humiliating task of licking up my cum but it felt slightly better from the plate than from my hand. I hope it is OK to consume my cum in this way, Mistress?
[Yes, it is okay. All methods are acceptable, unless instructed otherwise, as long as the genuine effort is made to catch and consume as much as possible. I prefer the messiness of licking it off a hand, to the neatness of a shot glass, however, there is something quite sexy about the idea of seeing it sprayed across a plate, like a piece of modern art, before you have to lick it up.]
I was hoping that I would sleep better and feel satisfied after wanking, but of course I woke up hard and horny again today, with no permission to even touch myself until Tuesday.
Mistress, I've been a good boy and stuck to the masturbation schedule that you set. I wouldn't dare to complain, but I do feel scared that this is just getting more and more difficult. I've realised that after Tuesday my next chance to masturbate won't be until the following Monday! I know I've been a chronic masturbator in the past, and I'm really grateful to you for controlling my obsessive wanking, I just hope I can keep to the schedule you've set.
panty freak
cock training,
cum consumption,
panty freak
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Three-Ring Circus Shopping Report
by azpanties
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click here to view the post.
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Intimate Reward Beltane Report
by very good boy, azpanties
I mentioned that from my experiences last year, it would be difficult to find flowered scrunchies for my Beltane assignment, yet most of you boys waited until only a day or two before the event to begin your shopping. azpanties impressed me by doing what several others should have done:
First, he ordered the one that I said I liked best in my blog post, including expedited shipping as he was ordering it less than a week in advance.
Then, as he entered the weekend without a scrunchie, he went shopping in some of his local stores to see what they had in case it did not arrive in time.
Luckily it was delivered on Saturday, just in time for him to model it for me. I had already decided to give him a reward for being a good boy by allowing him to listen to the recording of me being pleasured by one of my boys as much as he desired as he performed my Beltane assignment. In addition, I was so delighted that someone had finally purchased the suggested scrunchie, and so enjoyed him modeling it for me, that I also gave him the gift of my intimate time and pleasure.
Thank you to azpanties for helping me begin the holiday in proper style. ;-)
Dear Mistress:
Thank You for the wonderful Beltane assignment, i really enjoyed it.
my Mayday started on March 31st at exactly 9:40pm. (It was already past midnight for You.) You were tired and we were wrapping up our conversation on IM when You decided that You wanted to see the flowered scrunchie that i had bought...which happened to be Your favorite!
You directly said "Go get Your headphones and get ready to cam." The tone in those words was quite a turn on for me! i really enjoyed the way You made me pose just the way You like, making sure my panties were positioned just right..and Your cock was decorated the way You wanted it! You made me take multiple pictures so You could get exactly the one that You wanted! i loved all the attention, and posing for you.
With the pictures done, we were both more than turned on and You made me edge for Your pleasure! Anything for my Mistress! Listening to You..Your voice, Your moans..brings Your cock to fast attention. Stroking myself in panties...decorated...precum was flowing...i was not allowed to cum, but the dribbling tasted delicious! Thank You! Needless to say it was a restless night of half sleep!
As soon as i awoke...Your cock...was already working on its second edge! Laying there under covers, still drowsy from sleep i began to stroke myself again. Thinking of the previous night, i reached edge 2 very quickly..precum lapped up.
A few hours later, after i had showered, which was the only time i removed the scrunchie, it was finally time for a 3rd edge. Stripping down to my favorite black mesh panties, i began to listen to the recording that You had sent me...WOW...instant erection! When You said "Mine" with authority, the precum started flowing. It was time to stop before something bad happened!
My fourth and fifth edges happened within 15 minutes of each other later in the evening.
Looking at the clock, i wanted to cum for May Day at 9:40pm on May 1st...exactly 24 hours after my first one. As the time approached, i was preparing myself...panties tucked neatly under my balls...flowered scrunchie decorating Your cock...on my knees..listening to Your moans on tape..I said Your boy, Mistress...Your cock, Mistress...Your pleasure, Mistress and spewed my cum into my hand. i sucked my cum from my hand..savoring every last drop..just as Mistress likes it! Collapsing, i soon drifted off to sleep, content in my mind that i had made my Mistress happy!
Scrunchie photo: http://www.amazon.com/Smoothies-Embroidered-Flower-Scrunchie-Black-00694/dp/B003C1RVO2
First, he ordered the one that I said I liked best in my blog post, including expedited shipping as he was ordering it less than a week in advance.
Then, as he entered the weekend without a scrunchie, he went shopping in some of his local stores to see what they had in case it did not arrive in time.
Luckily it was delivered on Saturday, just in time for him to model it for me. I had already decided to give him a reward for being a good boy by allowing him to listen to the recording of me being pleasured by one of my boys as much as he desired as he performed my Beltane assignment. In addition, I was so delighted that someone had finally purchased the suggested scrunchie, and so enjoyed him modeling it for me, that I also gave him the gift of my intimate time and pleasure.
Thank you to azpanties for helping me begin the holiday in proper style. ;-)
Dear Mistress:
Thank You for the wonderful Beltane assignment, i really enjoyed it.
my Mayday started on March 31st at exactly 9:40pm. (It was already past midnight for You.) You were tired and we were wrapping up our conversation on IM when You decided that You wanted to see the flowered scrunchie that i had bought...which happened to be Your favorite!
You directly said "Go get Your headphones and get ready to cam." The tone in those words was quite a turn on for me! i really enjoyed the way You made me pose just the way You like, making sure my panties were positioned just right..and Your cock was decorated the way You wanted it! You made me take multiple pictures so You could get exactly the one that You wanted! i loved all the attention, and posing for you.
With the pictures done, we were both more than turned on and You made me edge for Your pleasure! Anything for my Mistress! Listening to You..Your voice, Your moans..brings Your cock to fast attention. Stroking myself in panties...decorated...precum was flowing...i was not allowed to cum, but the dribbling tasted delicious! Thank You! Needless to say it was a restless night of half sleep!
As soon as i awoke...Your cock...was already working on its second edge! Laying there under covers, still drowsy from sleep i began to stroke myself again. Thinking of the previous night, i reached edge 2 very quickly..precum lapped up.
A few hours later, after i had showered, which was the only time i removed the scrunchie, it was finally time for a 3rd edge. Stripping down to my favorite black mesh panties, i began to listen to the recording that You had sent me...WOW...instant erection! When You said "Mine" with authority, the precum started flowing. It was time to stop before something bad happened!
My fourth and fifth edges happened within 15 minutes of each other later in the evening.
Looking at the clock, i wanted to cum for May Day at 9:40pm on May 1st...exactly 24 hours after my first one. As the time approached, i was preparing myself...panties tucked neatly under my balls...flowered scrunchie decorating Your cock...on my knees..listening to Your moans on tape..I said Your boy, Mistress...Your cock, Mistress...Your pleasure, Mistress and spewed my cum into my hand. i sucked my cum from my hand..savoring every last drop..just as Mistress likes it! Collapsing, i soon drifted off to sleep, content in my mind that i had made my Mistress happy!
Scrunchie photo: http://www.amazon.com/Smoothies-Embroidered-Flower-Scrunchie-Black-00694/dp/B003C1RVO2
cock ring,
cock training,
cum consumption,
Monday, May 2, 2011
Sexy Beltane/May Day Assignment Report
by panty freak
Below is the first (yummy!) report from my newest potential trainee. I really enjoyed chatting and playing with him during the Beltane assignment, and it bodes well for future training, especially in regard to panties and cock control. I hope you enjoy reading my comments back to him below.
Dear Mistress Magick,
Thank you, Mistress, for allowing me to complete your Beltane/May Day assignment. It's really been exciting to do this, and to feel like I am doing it to please you. I don't know quite what I expected when I wrote to you back on Wednesday last week, but this definitely exceeds what I thought.
As I explained previously, I've always been a chronic masturbator - I just can't seem to control myself. So, although I know you've got boys with much longer periods in chastity than four days, it was really a challenge for me to wait so long to cum - thank you for controlling my wanking and helping me to control myself.
Looking back at your assignment, I've realised that I got the first two steps in the wrong order by sending you a gift before I made effort to get a suitable scrunchie. [You aren't the only boy to do that, and, in fact, I prefer it. It's easiest for boys to send a gift as soon as they get the assignment (so they don't forget and so anything seasonal arrives on time), but new boys don't always feel comfortable doing so.] And then I failed to get anything that really met what you had wanted. But I think apart from that I can honestly say that I've followed what you set out in the assignment.
I guess I really started on the assignment on Thursday when, ordinarily, I would certainly have been masturbating in the evening. But of course I was already under your control and not allowed to play with myself. However, I think on Friday, when you asked me to join in your #MMDay by wearing bridal white panties, and then posting a picture on Twitter, that's when I really got fully engaged with the assignment.
And I think I already told you how I watched the Royal Wedding, in my panties, edging myself, while fantasising about Kate Middleton/the Duchess of Cambridge and what she might be wearing under that dress. I was so horny by the end of Friday, it would have been so easy to cum then, but it was so much better to be a good boy and follow your instructions.
On Saturday, I spent several hours shopping for a scrunchie. It was really quite embarrassing going into lots of accessory stores (Accessorize for example), clothes shops (Monsoon) and even chemists (Boots) and asking for hair accessories. I'm sure I went bright red talking to some of shop assistants about what I wanted. And why is it that 16 year old girls seem to be the only people who work in shops on a Saturday, and they invariably have no clue about anything in the store?
Anyway, I honestly did my best to find something. In the end, I decided that I should buy the next best substitute that I could find and ask you if it would be acceptable. You've seen the hair bands that I did buy, which do have a similar name and the same purpose, but I have to confess that they don't really look the same. So I was quite nervous that you would tell me to either go and look again, or order a scrunchie online, which you would have been quite within your rights to do, but would have meant a really tough delay for me.
I was really happy when you came on to chat and said that I should try the hair band and provided it was a good fit I could carry on. It was really generous of you to be so understanding. I think you could see that I had done my best, and I really like that you took that into account. For me, that is a really important feature of a Mistress - it's definitely important to be in charge and have high expectations, but also to be realistic and recognise the difference between "couldn't be bothered" and "tried really hard but still came up just short". So thank you Mistress for letting me carry on.
[Yes, there is a big difference, and boys who "can't be bothered" really don't deserve my time and attention. I did recognize that you tried.. and I have to admit that I like the fact that you suffered some harm-free embarassment while doing so. ;-)
You were lucky in that I wanted you to be able to participate on Beltane (May 1) itself, and I knew that you had sincerely tried. Based on last year, I expected boys to have problems finding suitable scrunchies, and I knew that you did not have a lot of lead time to shop. It would have been different if you had had a couple weeks and had waited until the last minute.]
It was really fun to chat with you, and it felt really good that you were concerned about me and wanted to make sure that the hair band/scrunchie wasn't too tight. I know we chatted for a long time - sorry if I took up too much of your time - but was really great to get to know you a little more.
[While it was easiest to have you check the "fit" while on IM, the quality of your emails and your tweets are what really earned you the opportunity to chat with me. It was my intention to start to get to know you a little, and I enjoyed doing so. :-) ]
After we stopped chatting it was already very late here (well early on Sunday). I went to bed, but I was far too horny to go to sleep. I completed my first edge lying in bed - hardly the best way to make myself less horny and able to sleep, but I just really wanted to at least feel my cock in my hand, even though I knew I mustn't come. I thought about some of the things we'd chatted about, and about what you'd told me, and how you'd told me that I was to be a good boy. It didn't take long until I had to stop stroking. It was a real wrench to take my hand away from my cock, and afterwards it took me a long time to calm down and relax and go to sleep.
I don't think I slept very well, and I woke up on Sunday morning still hard, and still with the scrunchie around my cock. I knew I had four more edges to do, so why not? I stroked myself again, thinking about how I wasn't allowed to cum, and about you controlling my cock. I don't really know how close I got to the edge - maybe there is no way to know if you are at the edge until you are over it - but I was more than ready to cum when I finally stopped.
[The next step is to assign you Edging Practice Days so that you are more aware of the signals that your body gives you as you get close, and help you find the line between close and TOO CLOSE.]
I tried to relax a little lying in bed, and maybe sleep some more, but it wasn't going to happen. I got up and went to take a shower, taking off my scrunchie to avoid getting it wet. Soon I was washing myself, and when I got to my still-hard cock and had washed it, I felt that it was time for the third edge. I often like to masturbate in the shower, so maybe I just felt at home stroking there. Again I couldn't last long before I had to stop touching myself. I turned the shower to cold to try to cool off - I think I just ended up cold but still horny. After my shower I put the scrunchie back on, but over my balls as well as my cock. It was a little tighter there, but still felt good. I moved it between the two locations several times during the day.
Sunday was my third day in a row wearing panties so I put them on and then posted a picture on Twitter. I don't think I've ever worn panties so many days in a row before (and now day 4), but I also can't pretend I'm not interested in panties, and I own quite a few pairs. It still got me horny posting the pictures on Twitter and wondering who would see them. I knew you would be looking, and I really liked that you commented in a positive way, about how good or cute or sexy they looked, rather than that I looked ridiculous wearing them.
[You have some gorgeous embroidered ones and lacy ones that look really sexy on you. I'm not as much into the flowered ones, but they were perfect for Beltane - and still covering your May Pole with flowers! ;-)]
I masturbated again after uploading the picture, imagining that you were watching me wearing my panties, telling me that I was a good boy and that I could go ahead and play with myself, but that I wasn't allowed to cum. I think I've realised that it's a major kink for me to have someone controlling my wanking, and I was very quickly having to imagine you telling me "that's enough, if you're a good boy I'll let you play with it again later".
I had a lot of jobs to do around the house on sunday (and only one more edge to go) so there was a big gap until the fifth edge. After doing my jobs I went into my [home] gym. I did a little cycling, but my balls felt a bit uncomfortable on the seat, so I switched to the treadmill and jogged for half an hour. Then I took a shower and afterwards lay on the bed, put the scrunchie back around my cock (having taken it off for the shower) and started to play with myself. Again I imagined you watching me and guiding me on what to do, but also reminding me that I wasn't allowed to cum yet. I imagined you whispering in my ear about how much it would please you if I could behave myself and wait until the 24 hours were up... You even seem to be teasing me inside my mind when you are not there...
Anyway, after that it was great to be able to chat with you again. I was really turned on by your instruction to add two more scrunchies to my cock and balls - it really made it feel like you were owning my cock, adorning with whatever decorations you wanted. [Mmmmmmmm!]
We must have chatted until just after midnight because when we stopped I realised I had completed 24 hours wearing the scrunchie and was allowed to masturbate and finally to cum! I stopped and read your instructions again - it really had me hot reading about you claiming your cock, about you enveloping me with your wetness, and about our juices flowing together. [*evil grin* I do love Beltane!]
I already planned that I could go outside in my reasonably-private garden and masturbate outside as instructed in the assignment. Fortunately it was dark, but it still felt strange, standing in the garden wearing just panties and a T-shirt. I knew I would cum really quickly, but I wanted to at least savour the moment for a minute, so I started by stroking my cock through my panties for a little while. But soon my panties were pulled down, and I was masturbating as hard as I could. It felt really great knowing that I could keep going and cum. I was imagining you watching me and encouraging me, telling me that I'd been a good boy and was allowed to cum. Obviously I don't know what you look like, or even your voice, so it was unusual for me to masturbate thinking about you - maybe the concept of Mistress Magick - but it meant I focused on what you might say or think, rather than your body. [I hope that means that you are being turned on by my control, creativity, sensuality, etc. without objectifying me.]
It was a very powerful orgasm. I'm sure I came twice as hard as usual, and spurted twice as much cum. I was glad to be able to shoot over the garden, rather than have to lick up my cum. Even while I was coming I was imagining you telling me you were pleased with me and that I should shoot all my cum out for you. [Every last drop! ;-)]
So really that's the end of the story, for this assignment at least. I really appreciate you allowing me to complete it, Mistress - thank you for taking the time to write the assignment, and thank you for controlling my May Pole for May Day.
Best wishes,
panty freak
Dear Mistress Magick,
Thank you, Mistress, for allowing me to complete your Beltane/May Day assignment. It's really been exciting to do this, and to feel like I am doing it to please you. I don't know quite what I expected when I wrote to you back on Wednesday last week, but this definitely exceeds what I thought.
As I explained previously, I've always been a chronic masturbator - I just can't seem to control myself. So, although I know you've got boys with much longer periods in chastity than four days, it was really a challenge for me to wait so long to cum - thank you for controlling my wanking and helping me to control myself.
Looking back at your assignment, I've realised that I got the first two steps in the wrong order by sending you a gift before I made effort to get a suitable scrunchie. [You aren't the only boy to do that, and, in fact, I prefer it. It's easiest for boys to send a gift as soon as they get the assignment (so they don't forget and so anything seasonal arrives on time), but new boys don't always feel comfortable doing so.] And then I failed to get anything that really met what you had wanted. But I think apart from that I can honestly say that I've followed what you set out in the assignment.
I guess I really started on the assignment on Thursday when, ordinarily, I would certainly have been masturbating in the evening. But of course I was already under your control and not allowed to play with myself. However, I think on Friday, when you asked me to join in your #MMDay by wearing bridal white panties, and then posting a picture on Twitter, that's when I really got fully engaged with the assignment.
And I think I already told you how I watched the Royal Wedding, in my panties, edging myself, while fantasising about Kate Middleton/the Duchess of Cambridge and what she might be wearing under that dress. I was so horny by the end of Friday, it would have been so easy to cum then, but it was so much better to be a good boy and follow your instructions.
On Saturday, I spent several hours shopping for a scrunchie. It was really quite embarrassing going into lots of accessory stores (Accessorize for example), clothes shops (Monsoon) and even chemists (Boots) and asking for hair accessories. I'm sure I went bright red talking to some of shop assistants about what I wanted. And why is it that 16 year old girls seem to be the only people who work in shops on a Saturday, and they invariably have no clue about anything in the store?
Anyway, I honestly did my best to find something. In the end, I decided that I should buy the next best substitute that I could find and ask you if it would be acceptable. You've seen the hair bands that I did buy, which do have a similar name and the same purpose, but I have to confess that they don't really look the same. So I was quite nervous that you would tell me to either go and look again, or order a scrunchie online, which you would have been quite within your rights to do, but would have meant a really tough delay for me.
I was really happy when you came on to chat and said that I should try the hair band and provided it was a good fit I could carry on. It was really generous of you to be so understanding. I think you could see that I had done my best, and I really like that you took that into account. For me, that is a really important feature of a Mistress - it's definitely important to be in charge and have high expectations, but also to be realistic and recognise the difference between "couldn't be bothered" and "tried really hard but still came up just short". So thank you Mistress for letting me carry on.
[Yes, there is a big difference, and boys who "can't be bothered" really don't deserve my time and attention. I did recognize that you tried.. and I have to admit that I like the fact that you suffered some harm-free embarassment while doing so. ;-)
You were lucky in that I wanted you to be able to participate on Beltane (May 1) itself, and I knew that you had sincerely tried. Based on last year, I expected boys to have problems finding suitable scrunchies, and I knew that you did not have a lot of lead time to shop. It would have been different if you had had a couple weeks and had waited until the last minute.]
It was really fun to chat with you, and it felt really good that you were concerned about me and wanted to make sure that the hair band/scrunchie wasn't too tight. I know we chatted for a long time - sorry if I took up too much of your time - but was really great to get to know you a little more.
[While it was easiest to have you check the "fit" while on IM, the quality of your emails and your tweets are what really earned you the opportunity to chat with me. It was my intention to start to get to know you a little, and I enjoyed doing so. :-) ]
After we stopped chatting it was already very late here (well early on Sunday). I went to bed, but I was far too horny to go to sleep. I completed my first edge lying in bed - hardly the best way to make myself less horny and able to sleep, but I just really wanted to at least feel my cock in my hand, even though I knew I mustn't come. I thought about some of the things we'd chatted about, and about what you'd told me, and how you'd told me that I was to be a good boy. It didn't take long until I had to stop stroking. It was a real wrench to take my hand away from my cock, and afterwards it took me a long time to calm down and relax and go to sleep.
I don't think I slept very well, and I woke up on Sunday morning still hard, and still with the scrunchie around my cock. I knew I had four more edges to do, so why not? I stroked myself again, thinking about how I wasn't allowed to cum, and about you controlling my cock. I don't really know how close I got to the edge - maybe there is no way to know if you are at the edge until you are over it - but I was more than ready to cum when I finally stopped.
[The next step is to assign you Edging Practice Days so that you are more aware of the signals that your body gives you as you get close, and help you find the line between close and TOO CLOSE.]
I tried to relax a little lying in bed, and maybe sleep some more, but it wasn't going to happen. I got up and went to take a shower, taking off my scrunchie to avoid getting it wet. Soon I was washing myself, and when I got to my still-hard cock and had washed it, I felt that it was time for the third edge. I often like to masturbate in the shower, so maybe I just felt at home stroking there. Again I couldn't last long before I had to stop touching myself. I turned the shower to cold to try to cool off - I think I just ended up cold but still horny. After my shower I put the scrunchie back on, but over my balls as well as my cock. It was a little tighter there, but still felt good. I moved it between the two locations several times during the day.
Sunday was my third day in a row wearing panties so I put them on and then posted a picture on Twitter. I don't think I've ever worn panties so many days in a row before (and now day 4), but I also can't pretend I'm not interested in panties, and I own quite a few pairs. It still got me horny posting the pictures on Twitter and wondering who would see them. I knew you would be looking, and I really liked that you commented in a positive way, about how good or cute or sexy they looked, rather than that I looked ridiculous wearing them.
[You have some gorgeous embroidered ones and lacy ones that look really sexy on you. I'm not as much into the flowered ones, but they were perfect for Beltane - and still covering your May Pole with flowers! ;-)]
I masturbated again after uploading the picture, imagining that you were watching me wearing my panties, telling me that I was a good boy and that I could go ahead and play with myself, but that I wasn't allowed to cum. I think I've realised that it's a major kink for me to have someone controlling my wanking, and I was very quickly having to imagine you telling me "that's enough, if you're a good boy I'll let you play with it again later".
I had a lot of jobs to do around the house on sunday (and only one more edge to go) so there was a big gap until the fifth edge. After doing my jobs I went into my [home] gym. I did a little cycling, but my balls felt a bit uncomfortable on the seat, so I switched to the treadmill and jogged for half an hour. Then I took a shower and afterwards lay on the bed, put the scrunchie back around my cock (having taken it off for the shower) and started to play with myself. Again I imagined you watching me and guiding me on what to do, but also reminding me that I wasn't allowed to cum yet. I imagined you whispering in my ear about how much it would please you if I could behave myself and wait until the 24 hours were up... You even seem to be teasing me inside my mind when you are not there...
Anyway, after that it was great to be able to chat with you again. I was really turned on by your instruction to add two more scrunchies to my cock and balls - it really made it feel like you were owning my cock, adorning with whatever decorations you wanted. [Mmmmmmmm!]
We must have chatted until just after midnight because when we stopped I realised I had completed 24 hours wearing the scrunchie and was allowed to masturbate and finally to cum! I stopped and read your instructions again - it really had me hot reading about you claiming your cock, about you enveloping me with your wetness, and about our juices flowing together. [*evil grin* I do love Beltane!]
I already planned that I could go outside in my reasonably-private garden and masturbate outside as instructed in the assignment. Fortunately it was dark, but it still felt strange, standing in the garden wearing just panties and a T-shirt. I knew I would cum really quickly, but I wanted to at least savour the moment for a minute, so I started by stroking my cock through my panties for a little while. But soon my panties were pulled down, and I was masturbating as hard as I could. It felt really great knowing that I could keep going and cum. I was imagining you watching me and encouraging me, telling me that I'd been a good boy and was allowed to cum. Obviously I don't know what you look like, or even your voice, so it was unusual for me to masturbate thinking about you - maybe the concept of Mistress Magick - but it meant I focused on what you might say or think, rather than your body. [I hope that means that you are being turned on by my control, creativity, sensuality, etc. without objectifying me.]
It was a very powerful orgasm. I'm sure I came twice as hard as usual, and spurted twice as much cum. I was glad to be able to shoot over the garden, rather than have to lick up my cum. Even while I was coming I was imagining you telling me you were pleased with me and that I should shoot all my cum out for you. [Every last drop! ;-)]
So really that's the end of the story, for this assignment at least. I really appreciate you allowing me to complete it, Mistress - thank you for taking the time to write the assignment, and thank you for controlling my May Pole for May Day.
Best wishes,
panty freak
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