Below is the first #MMDay Report from my new potential sissy, taylah maid, which you can also read on her Tumblr here. She is sincere, eager and well-mannered, and I like that she's active in the sissy world, including designing some sissy assignments! She's a bit more outrageous in her style than my usual sissy, and I wasn't sure at first, but I'm finding her an intelligent and interesting potential addition to my "household".
Last Wednesday, Mistress Magick declared a
#MMDay, where submissive boys and gurls edge (masturbate to the "edge" of orgasm, but stop before reaching orgasm) for Mistresses' entertainment and pleasure.
Because I live in Australia, the day was almost over before I could start, but luckily Mistress gave me a twenty-four hour period in which I was permitted to edge.
In this #MMDay, I was only permitted to edge once per location; I then needed to go somewhere else before I could edge again.
My first edge was in bed. Having the luxury of a late start and an empty house, and knowing the items available to me in my room, I began by putting on my blindfold and inserting earplugs. That way, I would not be able to see or hear anything; instead focusing intently on Mistress. If someone was to return home while I was cut off from the world like this, I would not know until they physically touched me. Luckily, nobody returned home! As this sissy began to rub, this sissy began to vocalise my pleasure at this opportunity, repeatedly moaning "thank You, Mistress", louder and louder, until I was practically shouting! It took 25 minutes for this sissy to reach the edge of orgasm.
My second edge was in the toilet. This time, it took only ten minutes to reach the edge, and I did not vocalise as much as before; as I didn't truly know how loud I had been vocalising before because of the earplugs, I decided to speak much quieter.
I moved to the lounge room [living room] for my third edge. There's something about being in the lounge room that always feels risky! It took seven minutes to edge this time.
For my fourth edge, I moved to the shower. I love being in the shower, pouring liquid soap on myself, and experiencing the sensations involved with that. As I reached the edge, I turned the hot water off completely so that I was forced to endure a cold shower. Not fun!
Later that day, I was heading into a work function. That didn't mean the edging was to stop! Following orders from Mistress Magick, my fifth edge was in my car, while I was driving. With one hand on the wheel, I rubbed myself through the light purple panties and trousers I was wearing to the work function. Talk about distracting! I'm sure if anyone pulled up along side me they'd have a few questions!
My sixth edge was in a public bathroom before the work function. I edged slowly, and spent twenty minutes getting to the edge. I was really starting to feel as though I had lost control now! Now, I was merely a distracted, horny, denied sissy attempting to appear and feel like a man. Of course, I knew I was far from it!
My seventh edge was in a bathroom at the function. I had waited until the room was empty to begin, and once the coast was clear I began to slowly bring myself toward the edge. Several colleagues entered the room to relieve themselves, and all I could think was "what would happen if they knew that in this cubicle, I was here, getting heartbreakingly close to orgasm and then stopping just because someone had told me to"! Upon leaving, I felt the most frustrated I have felt in a long time, and then struggled to look my colleagues in the eye. They politely said nothing about the extended period of time I had spent in the bathroom.
My eighth edge was back at home. Mistress Magick had tweeted at me: "Before bed, I want you to kneel and edge again for me. Then, after less than a minute's break, start again and cum, thanking me."
I really wanted to cum, but I was exhausted and knew I would not enjoy it if I came right away. I asked Mistress if I could please wait until the next morning to release for Her. Mistress replied that I may, but I had to wait a full 24 hours before I was permitted to reach orgasm!
The 24 hours I had to wait was such an interesting experience. While only a short period of chastity, it drove me mental not being able to touch myself! The whole day, I could not stop thinking about Her, and about how I was a sissy, and how I was under Mistresses' control. I could have just gone and cum and not told Mistress about it, but this... I wanted to control myself; I wanted to hold on, simply because Mistress had told me to. That made it worth it.
24 hours later, I had my ninth and final edge. Alone, in pitch black in my room, kneeling before my bed, I began to stroke and stroke. After coming so close to orgasm, I did as Mistress ordered, stopped, waited for less than a minute, before continuing on to orgasm. I can tell you the orgasm was amazing! I released into my hand, thanking Mistress profusely, and per Mistresses' request, I swallowed it all.
I have only ever swallowed all of my cum once in my life; normally I might just lick at my hand but smear most of it on myself so I don't have to consume it. I swallowed it, and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be (though I still found it yucky)! I was pleased to be able to orgasm, and to be under Mistress Magick's control.
Mistress Magick has also asked me to begin tweeting my
#DailyPanties and
#ChastityStatus. This is a simple tool to ensure that I am keeping up with my sissy training, wearing panties every day, and not having an orgasm without Mistresses' permission or knowledge. I look forward to keeping everyone up to date with my efforts!