Since sonya did not wear the ring for an hour before masturbating, I gave her instructions to go back to the store, buy the set of pink rings and redo the assignment. If the same salesgirl was there, she was to explain that she purchased the black ones before because she was following her Mistress' orders, and that after reading her report, her Mistress had insisted that she go back for the pink ones. Then she was to practice putting the rings on and taking them off at least three times over at least a two hour period and submit her report to me before she was allowed to masturbate. Below is her report. Enjoy! ;-)
* * *
As instructed by Mistress, i returned to the adult shop near my office yesterday. i was still filled with trepidation due in part to Mistress's response to my report; Your further instructions and also the fact that i may meet the same lady again. However, i think i was a little bolder this time around as i'm under instruction from Mistress.
i opened the door and heard the familiar 'ping' again; as i was prepared, i managed a smile when i saw the same lady stood up from behind the counter. When she saw me, she smiled: "Hello, nice to see you again! What can I do for you today?...wait...are you back for our panties? We just saw a new arrival..."
i was mentally prepared to brush off any remarks, embarassing or not, give her a big smile, head to the shelf at the back to pick up the c**k rings and pay at the counter. But i froze in mid-step when i realized we were not alone. Seated further back from the counter, i saw two other girls, looking straight at me. They were of about the same age as the sales lady and i reckon they were either helpers or friends.
Sensing my hesitation, they stood up and moved beside the sales lady...Either way, i was feeling hotter and hotter under the face must have turned beet-root red as any replies that i mustered just refused to spill out of my mouth. What came out was: " came for the rrinngs..."
"Pardon me...?" the sales lady asked.
i cleared my throat, forced my eyes towards the end of the store and repeated "i returned for the rings.."
"Ah..I see." the sales day smiled "Janice, would you bring him to the c**k rings shelf and help him out?" Turning to me, she said: "Janice here will help you today. Sorry, I'm taking delivery of the lingerie with Julia here..." with that she turned back to the counter and starting speaking with the other lady.
i wanted to disappear as quickly as possible...i felt so awkward...why had i chosen to come at this time?? i took my cue and walked as quickly as possible to the shelf where i found my rings but i couldn't see any pink ones...
"What colour would you like sir? We have black,...and blackker.." she giggled...much as i appreciate her candour and attempt to lighten the mood...i just wasn't prepared for a lengthy purchase.
"Are these all you have? i remembered your colleague mentioned there were other colours..."
Janice raised an eyebrow enquiringly "what colour are you talking about?"...i rubbed my neck...this was going to be tough.."pink."
"I don't think we have that...we ran out of red I know, but pink?..." "Shelley?" she called back behind her "this gentlemen said he wanted the pink c**k rings! Do we have any?"
Shelly looked up from her discussion...and so did Julia, who was just short of starring at me. That question just hung in the air...for a good few seconds before Shelly called back "it's in the store, i haven't had time to display it, while you're at it, see if he would like the bright orange one as well." she smiled at me.
i turned away and just pretended something else in the nearest shelf caught my eye and refused to turn my attention back to Shelley.
Janice disappeared quickly and returned with a pair in pink and another single ring in orange. I took the rings from her and thanked her. Checking quickly, i turned and walked back to the counter to make payment. Shelley was ready to serve me there.
" lubricant today? haha...just'd have been very busy if you finished that bottle you bought.." i didn't reply and i waited for her to scan the items "why didn't you get this the other day?"
i starred at her...i had hope this question wouldn't come...but it did...and..."my Mistress asked me to get this after my report last week..." i forced it out of me...i could have lied...but i had wanted to feel be submissive...i was i said it...i was looking at the floor...the counter...the door...anywhere but her...
i heard the beeping of the scanner and that was the cue for me to reach for my wallet..."Umm...i am just curious...are you wearing the black ones now?" Shelley asked innocently and broke out into a grin...i looked at her helplessly while Janice and Julia also looked to their friend...sensing their curiousity. Shelley said "he was here last week to purchase a set of black c**k rings and a bottle of lube, that was when i recommended him this pink set" she giggled in mid sentence..."to match with a set of pink bra and panties he was looking at" all three of them looked at each other and giggled together...
i already had my wallet out and i wanted to get out "how much should i pay you?"
Shelley looked at me and smiled "$20 - I gave you a loyal customer discount"
"Wait.." Julia interupted "..I really do have a set of bra and panties that match you want to see them?" she smiled..."i think i know your size...38A right...or at the most, a B?" she offered appraising me openly.
Somehow they are not standing between me and the door and i was in a dilemma...i could have just paid and rushed off, i don't think they could really have stopped me, but i was also feeling my submissive sissy emotions bubbling to the surface...i wrapped my arms around the big shoulder carrier i was using and just...nodded my head...still bowed...
"Come over's still in the box that arrived" Julia said and i could detect a smile in her voice...she does not seem as mischievious as Shelley and that settled me somewhat...she led me over to the box just beside the counter and retrieved 2 sets of patterned bras and panty sets that looked girlish and i really liked it for their colour...during which time Julia was explaining to me about the material, the cut, how it accentuates the breasts, the colour and how to maintain it and how the panty just highlights the pert bum
Out of the two, i picked one that i liked the most and examined it...
"Would you like to try the bra?" i looked at her..."You will not be able to try the panty and we won't be able to help you...for obvious reasons...but we understand you may need to confirm the size..." she patted my forearm reassuringly..."Shelley, you wouldn't mind if he tried it on would you?"
"Of course!!...not!" Shelley giggled...
Holding the bra in my hands...i walked over to the changing room gingerly and went in. i wore the bra quickly and can only guess at it's fit as my breastforms were home. It felt comfortable as the fabric hugged my bodice and offered a very snug, reassuring feel. "How is it? Is it ok?" "yes." was my unconscious reply looking at the mirror while detecting a slightly softer, tender and submissive tone to my voice.
i removed the bra just as quickly, changed to my male clothes and stepped out of the room. Julia smiled at me "That's a very good choice you made. i would have gotten that myself too."
i smiled back as she made me a way, all of them made me comfortable...i would have been ridiculed in many places but at the shop, i felt being to be myself...
i returned to the counter and Shelley & Janice were ready now..."so...are you wearing the black ring today...?"
My "" was acknowledged with giggles from the both of them...i found at that time at i answered not so much out of embarassement now but more out of submissiveness...inside i am resigned to feeling this way always...a burning desire to be a be submissive...a desire that refused to be neither satiated nor follow orders from a superior Female...
i made payment and left the shop...instead of a manly and purposeful gait...this time more dainty...more effiminately as i waved and smiled back at them...on hindsight, it was an amazing shopping experience for me today...
The trip home was uneventful but filled with an internal battle about what i need to do...i need to wear the c**k ring for extended periods of time...about 2 hours long...removing it and then putting it back on again...for at least three times...
as i write this report to You, Mistress, i am into my third time of wearing the ring. i had returned home and as before, removed my clothes and wore my c**k ring. the first time i wore the ring, i had the same distinct arousal as before, the tight yet firm hold of the ring really made me feel like Mistress's hand was just over it...controlling me....and it's almost as if my c**k wanted to grow bigger and bigger...that made me so, so horny...i had touched myself but all the while resisting stroking my c**k.
The first time, i let mysekf go naked...puttering around the kitchen cooking a was a little difficult, at first with a bobbing member sticking in can be inconvenient...but it did subside after a while when my mind moved away from the submissiveness...and the...lust. Yet, firmly it still held much so that it became if it was meant to be there in the first place.
About an hour after my dinner, i removed the ring from my c**k and let it rest a little. Since it had grown accustomed, my b*lls had dropped somewhat from it's original higher set position and was relatively easy to extract. After 15 minutes, i fit it back on, squatting down to make it easier to pull through the b*lls and my c**k. Again, as before, my c**k "rose to the occasion" and wouldn't go down...and this time to encourage myself a little, i picked out my pink bra and panty set to tried it on...Mmmm....the feeling was ecstatic!...the feeling of the fabric when i pulled the panty up my legs...brushing aginst my thighs and finally settling and wrapping itself around my
my c**k was pressed and straining against the front though and i had looked at it with a little had spoiled the picture...i was going to wait till it soften...then i'll know how to handle it...i used my breastforms next and wore my bra on top of it...and i like what i saw...the breastforms had squeezed my "breasts" together to form little mounds of fleah above the cups of the bra...and accentuate a cleavage. Ohh....i didn't think my reaction in my panties is going down anytime soon...this is making me so horny!!
i turned on my pc and began checking my mail...then the news...then fashion forums online...before topic went to porn...Oh my...i felt like i was literally beside myself...i wanted my c**k to feel lesser of a feel less tempted...but the "other" me just wants to go on and on...tempting me to surf more...occassionally brushing my hand over my c**k and b* encourage it going...
Before long, 2 hours just flew by...having removed the ring, i took a cold bath to cool myself down and did all i could not to masturbate in the shower...coming out from the shower,i squatted again to wear the c**k ring a third time...this time it went on easily, perhaps i'm getting used to it...but my c**k still became hard whenever it came through the ring...i turned on my pc and began typing my report to Mistress....
i am now turning in this report as Mistress requested. i am also glad to report that i have managed to refrain from being naughty without Mistress's instruction. Again, i hope that my report will meet with Mistress's acceptance and approval and look forward to coming under Mistress's instruction.
Humbly Yours,
a sissy slave
Monday, August 30, 2010
Cock Ring (and Lingerie) Shopping & Training Make-up Report
by sonya emma
cock ring,
sonya emma
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