Monday, March 7, 2011

St. Patrick's Day Assignment Ribbon Shopping Report
by george

I *love* the fact that george is so eager, and has already gone ribbon shopping for me. However, he did get a bit too eager this time. Please don't wear your ribbon before St. Patrick's Day, and certainly not before I have approved it. 

To help you in your shopping: in this case, I preferred the plain green, as I'm not a big fan of most plaids (not even most Tartans), and I really do love a nice bright green for St. Pat's.

If you're interested in taking part in my annual St. Patrick's Day assignment and have not received it, email: ForMistressMagick *at* and request it.

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Dear Mistress Magick,

I would like to extend my sincere thanks to you for providing this assignment to me. St Patrick's day is certainly going to be different for me this year!

I have completed my shopping trip for this assignment. I had driven out to Lancaster, Pa tonight (thru the Amish country, dodging buggys the whole way there and back). On my way home I drove by a Walmart and I remembered seeing a fabric department in a Walmart before. I decided to stop in and see if I could find the ribbon I needed.

Once again I encountered a helpful saleslady who asked what I was looking for. I was quite self conscious as she helped me locate the ribbons and I was very thankful that she didn't ask me what I needed it for.

It took me a while to locate an appropriate ribbon as I had to dig thru numerous bins and displays, but finally I found two that I thought I could present to you for review. Attached is a scan of those two ribbons.

The wider one is more festive and was labeled 'Dublin'. Unfortunately the ribbons were in sealed rolls and when I opened this one up I discovered that it had metal wires down the sides. However, I was able to pull the wires out so now the ribbon is ok to use.

The other ribbon is plain green and doesn't seem quite bright enough for the occasion, but I wanted to provide you a choice. I have also attached photos of myself that I just took, wearing these ribbons for you (you can see the pink panties I am wearing today lowered beneath the ribbons).

Please let me know if you approve of either ribbon, or if I should continue shopping.

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