(If you haven't read my Beltane assignment, you can still get it on Amazon for only 99 cents. If you don't have a Kindle, just download and install the correct free Kindle reader software or app first.)
I have been on an extended CD shopping spree over the last 3 months, shopping at lots of different places like my local Goodwill, a more selective consignment shop, Walmart, Walgreens, dollar stores, Macy's, and a few others. It gets easier and easier to shop for girly things as I get more experience, but it has yet to lose much of the thrill, which is mostly a sexual thrill but not exclusively. On this particular occasion, after just having read your blog entry with the 2 pictures of what the scrunchie should look like, I planned on going to 2 different places that I thought would give me the best chance to find one: Walmart and an independently Asian-owned store that has all kinds of cheap beauty supplies, girly accessories, wigs, along with things like regular apparel for men, women and children, toys, and the most random assortment of household items.

Living in one of the many suburbs of LA means the Walmart is always busy, and I often get frustrated at having people around me when I shop for girly things. I get frustrated because my nerves don't allow me to examine things as closely and hands on as I always want. Even though I do get frustrated, I'm also more turned on. I got an erection when I looked over the different scrunchies for a few minutes and in that time I had started to leave a sticky wet spot in my panties. My erection subsided and then returned again two more times as I walked to and then through the women's clothing. I stopped at the swimsuits because I know I want to get one soon. Walmart has simple, solid-colored separates for $6, so I will be going back in a day or 2 and get my first bikini :) Having done so much CD shopping lately I have learned the simple trick of going to the oldest, or least attractive cashier to pay. While the 'shopping' part is a mix of erotic and frustrating, the 'paying' part is just frustrating. I've never had any major incident when paying though.
After leaving Walmart, I went to the Asian all-purpose store. In the first few days of settling down in my new place, I explored a lot of the nearby shopping centers and I had gone this store in once before. This time, no one was in the store but me and the owners/operators: an old Asian woman and an older Asian man. They're watching something on a laptop in whatever language they natively speak. I don't know if you know this or not, because it's not unique to SoCal, Asian business owners do not trust non-Asians in their stores. Their eyes always stay glued to you and often at least one of them will 'inconspicuously' follow you around. The knowledge of knowing that there is absolutely no way they aren't gonna watch me makes it much less frustrating than if I feel like someone was specifically watching me CD shop at any 'normal' store.

I went home after that and took the tags off the scrunchies. I was so happy with myself because I knew I was that much closer to being a part of the assignment, and that I was getting closer to being claimed by you, Mistress Magick. This was a few days ago, when I wasn't under direct orders not to cum or even play with myself, so I put one of the plum scrunchies on around the base of shaft and around my balls and stroked my clitty. I played with myself until I had what was hopefully the last orgasm that was completely up to me for a while.
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