
Thinking that I'm making You happy is what gets me through it. As I lay in bed, I kept thinking how I want to be Your boy, and have it be Your cock, and have it exist for Your pleasure, and I knew that going shopping for some panties was a small price to pay in order to please You.
The mall opened at 11, which is about the time I left my house. I had already looked up the mall directory online and parked near the entrance closest to the Lane Bryant store. I wondered around the lingerie section, admiring all the pretty panties, looking out specifically for ones that I thought You would like. One thing I noticed is that there didn't seem to be anything in size 12, which is the smallest they carry on their website. So I started picking up 14/16's and they looked like they would fit.
Nothing was jumping out at me as panties I knew You would like, and eventually a sales girl came up and offered her help. She asked if I was looking for underwear to which I replied that I was. She asked if I knew the size and I said 14/16. She then asked if I was looking for cotton or not to which I replied I wasn't. The alternative to cotton was a nylon/spandex material so that is what we started browsing. I told her I was looking for stuff in blacks and dark purples.. She asked if prints were ok, and I told her they absolutely were not.
Then she pointed out these plain black brief panties with lace trim around the legs. They wouldn't have been my absolute first choice but I did like them, and I know you like black. So I told her that those might work and were a good start. Then she told me that they were on sale if I bought 3, and showed me some other options.
I hadn't noticed any purple ones that I thought You would like, most of them were in prints and or just cotton. That's when the sales girl asked if red was a good color. I said that could work and she held up one more pair of boyshorts, this time red with red lace on the legs and the top. I said those would be great and took all three pairs of panties. (I couldn't find these anywhere on the website) I thanked her for her help and went up to pay.
All in all it was an easier experience than I expected, though I was still a little nervous and felt vulnerable surrounded by all those panties.
I went back to my car, knowing You said just going to one shop would do for today, and I could go to another at a later time. But as I was driving out of the parking lot and tracing along to the other side of the mall to go home, I had a change of heart. I parked my car again and decided to go back in to check out Victoria's Secret.
When I got there, there was a really sexy and pretty pair of panties that I thought You would love just by the front door. It was a purple satiny material, with the rear and front portions connected by a thin strip of fabric. On top of the solid black in the front was a very pretty black lace design, blending well with the dark purple. Unfortunately, they only came up to size large and these looked like they would still be too small for me. Disappointed, I moved on to the rest of the store. When I got home later and went online I found they were the Cheekini panties included in the Limited Edition Seduction panty and push up bra set.
My first time around I noticed there wasn't anything in extra large anywhere I looked. When I doubled back to the front of the store a sales girl asked me if I needed help and I asked her if they even carry extra larges. She said they were limited and usually sold out the fastest, so it wasn't surprising that I couldn't find any. But, she said many styles run bigger in large and even have stretch to it so it was worth looking around. I showed her the panties that caught my eye first and asked if these would come in an extra large. She told me they didn't even make those ones in that size. She could tell I was still interested in them and then asked if I would be interested in the matching bra that came with those panties. This is where I was caught off guard and fumbled my words before getting a "no" out there. I think then she might have realized I was shopping for myself. But I took a deep breath and moved on.
She then directed me over to what were their Cheeky panties. These ones were very pretty, and the large seemed to have a decent stretch to them so I thought they might work. She told me that if I got three of these they were on sale for $30.
I looked through the drawer of larges and what first caught my eyes was this purple lacy panty with black lace trim on the legs and top. (The link doesn't show the color I got, the midnight leopard ones are the closest in color, but mine are less blue and more of a royal purple.) They were see through lace all over but the dark color and design seemed to make them not as revealing as they could have been. I decided to buy them thinking they might be just what You were looking for on me.
I looked around through the drawer some more and found a similar panty, purple with black lace trim but this time the main part was solid purple in a shiny nylon material that had a satiny feel. These also seemed perfect to wear for You so I decided to take those as well.
For the third pair I selected the same style as before, but this time in solid red with black lace trim.
I waited in line and paid for my panties, and once again the experience was easier than I had built it up to be.
My only concern was that the panties from Victoria's Secret might be a little too small.
When I got home I took the pictures that I'm sending You and tried on each of the panties. The ones from Lane Bryant fit perfectly, even being one size larger than we had considered last night. They held everything in place without being too loose.
Next, came the Victoria's Secret panties. I tried each one on, and while being on the small side, were definitely wearable. They didn't offer much wiggle room down there, but weren't really any worse in that regard than some of the lacy bikini panties I already own. They were also tight on my ass and felt like would give you a good view. All in all I was happy with the purchase.
I can't wait to model them for You, Mistress, and I really hope You approve.
Hopefully Yours,
Well done!
ReplyDeleteThanks, Ed. He is definitely turning out to be a good boy, at least so far.
ReplyDeleteThank you Edward, and thank You Mistress. :)