While shaved legs look more feminine, there are many who can't shave for various reasons, and I do NOT approve of bashing those who don't shave. I allowed him to wait until the weather got cold enough that he would be wearing pants all the time, but made it clear that he need to shave sooner or later.
NOTE: I generally prefer my boys to have pubic hair. It's okay to trim, but I don't want anyone that I play with to look like a child! (Well, unless he's an AB, and I rarely play with them anymore.)
I woke up Monday morning unsure if this was going to be the day that I finally shaved my legs. I knew it was something that I was required to do sooner or later, but Mistress Magick also gave me permission to wait until after the holiday this week. I wasn't working until the afternoon so I had plenty of time and privacy in the morning to get it done. I got out of bed and decided it was the best time to do it.
I wasn't nervous about the act of shaving my legs, but instead was nervous about having to keep my legs hidden after it was done. What made me consider putting the task off was the work involved. I'm a fairly hairy person and I knew it would take some work to get it all off, and that if I did a poor job it would leave me itchy and uncomfortable.
I went into the bathroom and grabbed my hair clippers. I usually use them to trim down my beard but instead used them without any attachments to buzz off all the hair on my legs and my ass, leaving nothing but stubble. This took me some time to get all the hard to reach places, but soon my bathtub had a pile of my body hair sitting on the bottom.
The next step was to turn the shower on and get my skin nice and wet and soft. Once that was done I turned the water back off and lathered the first leg with shaving cream. Seeing my leg covered in shaving cream was a pretty strong reminder of my sissy status, and even though my legs weren't smooth yet, the look was quite feminine and left me feeling girly and vulnerable.

I took the pink Venus razor that I bought for the occasion and slowly started shaving. Before long, the lower half of my first leg was done and I lathered up my thigh with shaving cream and moved onto that. Before I knew it one leg was feeling pretty smooth and feminine, compared to the other stubbly one. I repeated the process with my other leg, all the time admiring the feminine transformation before my eyes and feeling like quite the sissy.
Mistress Magick ordered me to keep my pubic hair in tact, but I decided to shave my ass and between my cheeks as well. Many years ago, I had a subscription to Sissify.com, and I remember reading a quote there that stuck with me: "There's nothing worse than a sissy with a hairy ass". I agreed, as the last thing I wanted was smooth girly legs but hair poking out from the rear of my skimpy panties. I grabbed some shaving cream and lathered everything up and slowly and methodically attacked it from every angle I could. I reached behind myself to gently run the razor over the cheeks, and reached down between my legs to get the more intimate areas. After some time, it finally felt like I had gotten it all. Once I was done with that I rinsed, lathered everything up again and repeated the process. I still felt bits of hair in spaces all over my legs and ass and wanted to make sure I was as smooth as I could be so I took the time to do it all a second time.
I felt the girliest when I took some moisturizing lotion to my smooth skin after I was done. It was an incredibly feminine feeling rubbing lotion into my freshly shaved legs, and knew this would be a sissy reminder as I keep my legs smooth for Mistress Magick.
When I was done I couldn't get over how heavenly it felt to have legs so smooth. Everything that rubbed against them, to my towel, to pulling up my panties, to putting on pants was almost sensory overload. Every movement made my smooth legs rub up against some piece of fabric and felt deliciously feminine. That night I spent so much time laying around rubbing my legs together, enjoying the sensation and feeling so feminine. When I put on my chemise to go to bed it only heightened the feeling to feel the lace and satin tickling the tops of my now smooth thighs.
It was a good thing I am kept locked in a chastity cage because I don't know if I could have made it through that first night, enjoying all the new sensations, without touching Mistress Magick's cock. I woke up aching in my cage even more than usual, and all I could do is simmer in my horniness.
My plan was to shave every other day and keep everything smooth through the winter. But Mistress Magick instructed me to run the razor over my legs again the next day (Tuesday) so I did, keeping everything fresh and smooth. I shaved everything careful once again on Wednesday to keep to my every-other-day schedule.
Thank You, Mistress Magick, for pushing me to shave my legs and be a better sissy for You. Every time I move, I can feel them rub against my pants, and I'm reminded of what I am, and where I fit in the world. It's a privilege to be Your boy, and it's a privilege to be Your gurl.
;-) I'm proud that simple twist is my boy and is becoming my sissy gurl as well.
I love his idea of using electric hair clippers to trim off most of the hair first. And it's always best to go over everything twice in order to make sure that you're as smooth as possible.
And look at those yummy legs!
The feeling when you first shave/wax your legs is amazing! Everything they touch feels different. And of course your legs definitely look a lot more feminine.