Saturday, October 20, 2012

The First Night in My New Chastity Device
by simple twist

My new trainee, simple twist, ordered a new custom-made chastity device just before he started training with me. It's a Queen's Keep (very appropriately named) from Mature Metal.

The device arrived last week, and I supervised via cam as he put it on for the first time. He has past experience with both plastic and metal devices, but this is his first custom-made device and it seems to be doing much better than any other chastity device that a boy has worn for me. Below is his report after his first night of wearing the device.

Mistress Magick,

Last night was my first night sleeping in my new Queen's Keep chastity cage. I had it on for a few hours before going to bed, and everything remained as comfortable as a chastity cage can be. But I wasn't sure how I'd do sleeping in it, and thought it might wake me up throughout the night as I tried to get hard within the confines of the cage. That ended up not being an issue. I didn't wake up at all until about 6:30 in the morning, and that was simply to use the bathroom.

After getting back to bed and looking down at the cage, I did start to swell and fill the cage and feel it get very tight, but was able to fall back asleep because I was still pretty tired. A few hours later I did wake up as my morning wood tried to take over, but instead of getting hard it just stayed very tight in the cage. I lay in bed, feeling the tightness, and feeling incredibly turned on. I was able to drift in and out of sleep like that, however, so it wasn't keeping me awake any more than a normal night of not being allowed to touch. If I were unlocked but still under Your No-Touching Rule, I'd have been going through the same thing in terms of sleep: waking up a few hours early, feeling incredibly turned on but resisting the urge to touch, and drifting in and out of sleep until I had to get out of bed.

All in all, I'm impressed with this chastity cage, very impressed. So far, even without the Anti-Pullout Pin in place, it seems as escape proof as it can be. I'm not sure if I'd be able to slip out of it, but if I were able to do so, it seems like it would be a fairly painful experience. Like I said, it's a comfortable as one of these can be, and I can see why these are the ones that are recommended for those looking for long-term wear. When I grow and shrink within the cage nothing seems to pinch, and it isn't out-of-hand painful when I try to get hard in the cage.

Also, when I do try and get hard in the cage, the confine of the small space puts a stop to that, but it doesn't stop me from trying. When I'm locked up and turned on, I simply stay as hard as I can, filling out the cage as much as it will let me, which keeps me teased and horny without the ability to do anything about it.

Hopefully Yours,


I must say that I was surprised that he didn't wake up several times throughout the night. I'm not sure how much of that is attributable to his past experience with chastity training, and how much is due to the custom nature of the device. I think it's likely a combination of both. 

Most of my past experience as a keyholder is with the CB-X000 line of devices, so I'm enjoying learning more about custom metal devices. So far, the Queen's Keep seems far superior in regard to comfort and wearbility, and I've heard similar things said about Mature Metal's Jailbird as well. 

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