Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Second Panty Shopping Trip
by sophie

My Second Panty Shopping Trip
Mistress Magick had given me an assignment to purchase at least three different pairs of panties that were in different colours and styles.

As I knew I would not have much free time this week, I had to plan my shopping carefully. I decided to look at some of the high street shops websites to see which ones I would buy. I looked at two stores, New Look and Peacocks, as I knew where they had stores in a quiet part of town. I did a search and found some pairs that I liked the look of, I decided that the best opportunity would be to go shopping for them during my lunch hour and the shopping area was easy to reach in the car.

I went to the shopping centre with my now standard nervousness of being seen by someone who know me, but I was not as worried about other people, perhaps because this was my third shopping trip for women's clothing. I went to the first store New Look only to find that this store did not sell lingerie. I went to Peacocks next which I knew from my last shopping trip is a big store. I walked to the lingerie section, looking to see who was around. The shop was not that busy - a few ladies were looking at the items.

I went to the panties and started looking, trying to remember the items I had seen on the internet. I nervously picked up some pairs and went over to the next rail. There was a lady who was close by. Eventually, we passed each other. I could see her look at me, looking awkward walking around holding a pair of pink panties. I found the other pairs to make up the three pairs I needed to buy as I had to get back to work.
Thankfully the tills were empty so I went over to them to pay, as I did the lady I passed had just got there before me and once again looked at me, this time I was holding a few pairs of panties, I am sure if I had not been so close she would probably have laughed as she told the staff that there was a man over there looking at panties, perhaps she thought I was a panty thief. I eventually came to pay and the lady scanned the items, read out the total and took my money and put them in a bag for me. I then had to rush back to work.

Here are the items I bought, I hope you approve:

One thing I have found is that when the staff give me the receipt and change they seem to have problems putting them in my hand. At first I didn't take any notice. but it has happened a few times now in different shops.

Thank you,

- http://www.peacocks.co.uk/product/index.jsp?productId=4959081&prodFindSrc=paramNav
- http://www.peacocks.co.uk/product/index.jsp?productId=4501961&prodFindSrc=paramNav
- http://www.peacocks.co.uk/product/index.jsp?productId=4536221&orderSourceCode=0
- http://www.peacocks.co.uk/product/index.jsp?productId=4567931&orderSourceCode=0

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