Thursday, June 2, 2011

#MMDays Edging Game Report
by george

Dear Mistress Magick,

I was thrilled when you announced a #MMDay edging day based on the rules you had established. For this day of #MMDay edging I wore my new purple nylon thong

I edged six times that day, my tweets below describe those exciting edges.

My first #MMDay edge today for @Mistress_Magick - while kneeling in my study - 2 points
(I was so excited that I nearly lost control on this first edge.)

2nd #MMDay edge for @Mistress_Magick - kneeling in my bathroom, 2 points, 4 total
(The next time I edge in my bathroom perhaps I should watch myself in the mirror.)

Kneeling again for my 3rd #MMDay edge - 2 points, total points = 6

Still kneeling & frustrated as I quivered to my 4th #MMDay edge for @Mistress_Magick - 2 more points, total = 8, almost there!
(I was shaking like a leaf after this edge and leaked a few drops which I dutifully licked up.)

Kneeling and leaking as I completed my 5th #MMDay edge for @Mistress_Magick - 2 more points for a total of 10 points today

Kneeling again as I edged one more time before enjoying an explosive release at the end of this #MMDay - thanking Mistress Magick for such an intense experience

I was even more excited when a few days later you announced another #MMDay edging contest. However, this time you added a devious twist - no one was allowed a release, although you might consider one for the winner. Of course we were all now extremely motivated to take part in the contest.

For this #MMDay of edging I wore my Black polka dot nylon V-string It is such a tease to wear such skimpy panties!

Following are my tweets from that #MMDay of edging:

First #MMDay edge kneeling in my bathroom (2 points) - left me leaking & frustrated. Once again I licked up my frustrating drops of pre cum

2nd #MMDay edge for @Mistress_Magick while ringed (2 pts), today's frustrating total so far = 5.
(I could feel my ring tightly grasping me as I edged, reminding me of Mistress Magick)

For my 3rd edge I left work during my lunch break and drove to a secluded spot in the woods nearby. I nervously watched for any cars, particularly police patrols!

3rd #MMDay edge for @Mistress_Magick ringed & parked in the woods a mile away (1+2+3+1 pts), total so far = 12

4th #MMDay edge for @Mistress_Magick - ringed, leaking & quivering (3 pts), total today = 15 points

Unfortunately, after my fourth edge things at home got a bit hectic and I was unable to continue taking part in the contest. Naturally this meant I had no opportunity to win a chance at a release that day. I have remained chaste ever since and I am quite hard and excited inside my black sheer hipsters as I type this report for you.

Your faithful boy

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